Bitchface (Jax)

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You stood on the TM office, cleaning up the paperwork all over the desk. It was getting close to closing time and there was a party, as there was every Friday. You were cleaning the last of the paperwork as you heard a car door slam but you didn't think much of it.

You went to the filing cabinet and put the last things in there before grabbing your things and heading towards the clubhouse. As you were walking over, you noticed a car. Not just any car either. Ima's car.

You can't stand that bitch. Specifically, since she's tried to get in everyone's pants, thinking she's God's gift to man. You squinted in annoyance as you started to walk faster to the clubhouse, thinking of just ripping that girl's hair out of her head along with the fake tits. You got to the door and almost slammed it open as you started to look for something that just didn't belong, which didn't take you long to find the bitch.

"Hey, lass. How's to goin'? Ya look like ya goin' on a hunt?" Chib's voice came to the left of you as you looked at him.

"Yeah, for some female dog. Know where I can get one?" You asked him sarcastically.

He laughed but didn't answer, knowing you already found her.

You stalked to where she was as you started to notice who she decided to push up on tonight. Oh, no.

Not today. She was not gonna be pushing up on Jax tonight. He wasn't encouraging it, which I was glad, but sort of pushing her away as she kept trying to wrap her arms around him. You made it in front of them as he pushed her away again. She pouted as Jax spotted you behind Ima.

"Oh, damn." That was all he said as you grabbed the back of her jacket and pulled her down onto the floor.

You looked down at the girl on the floor. "I think you need to be going, sweetheart." You said as you made your way into Jax's arms.

"I think he was fine with me, bitch."

I stopped an inch and turned around to look at the child that dare called me that name. You put on your best bitch face before speaking. "You were talking to me?" You said as you slowly took a step towards her.

"Well, yeah-" She was cut off as you punched her in the face causing her to go falling back onto the floor. She let out a small scream as she fell and grabbed her face with both hands.

"Ugh!" She grunted before she shook her hair out of her face and lifted up her head to show the damage. Blood was flowing down her face and bruises were already starting to form. She stood up, uneven on her feet, and glared at you.

"I don't think you should test me, little girl." You told her as you felt your man come up and wrap an arm around your shoulders.

She huffed before stomping off to the door as you turned to Jax. "Damn, babe. What a punch." He said as he pulled you closer to him. "Kinda hot."

"I can't stand that bitch." You said before leaning in to lovingly kiss your man on the lips.

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