Sing (Happy)

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Singing was something that calmed you down. You've done it since you were little, maybe since you were baby. And every single time that you had a fight with you Old Man, you sang to yourself. After a while, it started to calm him down too. Happy was a very gruff man and you knew what you signed up for when you got together.

One day, you were in the kitchen while Happy sat in the kitchen with some of the other boys sitting around the house. You stood at the stove, cooking something while you hummed to yourself.

"Why are you always humming?" You heard from the side of you, making you turn to the voice and saw Opie standing there with a beer. You smiled at him.

"Why? You don't like it?" You teased him.

"No, I was just curious."

"Well, to me. Singing is something that soothes the soul." You told him as you focused on the food in front you. Next thing you knew was that you felt arms wrap around you from behind and grabbed your waist, tickling you. Making you laugh and giggle as you squirmed to get out of the hold around you. You turned your head and saw Happy's grin and you started to hit him on his shoulders as he continued to tickle you. "Awww, c'mon Hap. Stop it!" You gritted out in between laughs. He continued tickling you as you turned to Opie. "Help me, god damn it!" You yelped out to the giant of a man. He laughed loudly as he pulled you from Happy's hold and pushed you behind him.

You laughed at Happy and pointed at him as he playfully growled. You then took off as he started to chase you through the house. The sound of laughter echoed throughout the house. He tackled you just as you made your way into the backyard, causing you to shriek with laughter.

He tickled you as you continued to plea for him to stop. "UNCLE! UNCLE!" You yelped. He laughed as he stopped and straddled you.

"Now tell me you love me." He told you. "Otherwise I won't let you up."

You calmed down, with giggles still spilling from your mouth. "I love you...and cake too. Maybe a little more than cake." You teased him. "Now get off me so I can finish cooking." You said as you hit his side.

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