Lets Have Some Fun (Jax)

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Everyone was sitting around at the clubhouse, just enjoying some time to ourselves. Times like this were few and far between, making it all more relaxed and fun. Today, everyone was talking about some talents that not many people know about. Everyone was going around and saying something but it hadn't gotten to you yet.

But you weren't really expecting to get asked cause everyone was just saying something and you had a talent you didn't really want to talk about. You were sitting next to your Old Man with his arm wrapped around you. You were sitting on the couch so you were comfortable. You were taking a drink out of your glass after laughing at Tig's ridiculous 'talent' when suddenly you heard Opie speak up from next to you.

"I wanna know Y/N's talent." He said as he smirked at you, knowing that you didn't want to talk about it.

You paused mid-sip as your eyes widened. You then slowly lowered the glass as a few of the other men around you spoke up, agreeing with him. Finally, you registered what he asked and made a face of despair. "Awwwww, c'mon. I don't want to, Ope."

"Naw, you gotta." He said. The other Sons around you were looking back and forth between you two in wonderment.

"What?" Jax asked. "What is it?"

Now, you hadn't known Jax as long as you've known Opie. In fact, you two met through Opie, since when his mom took him up to Lodi when he was in high school and you met. It was after the whole Tara fiasco that Jax met you and it took a couple of years to finally make you his Old Lady. What most of the group didn't know was that you were extremely flexible and double jointed so you could do things not many women can do. You were in gymnastics all throughout high school to keep it up.

You stayed silent, not wanting to say since it was really embarrassing to talk about. Opie saw that you weren't going to speak so he spoke up for you.

"Y/N was in gymnastics all through high school and is extremely flexible."

You closed your eyes and buried your head into your hands has you heard all of the others were either shocked into silence or asking you to show them in excitement.

Jax pushed you away from him and turned to you. "C'mon babe. Show us."

You made a face as you shook your head. "Yes. I want you to, Y/N." He paused as a thought came to mind. "I dare you."

"Fuck." You said as you sighed in exaggeration. You can't back down from a dare. It's just not in you.

The others laughed as you got up reluctantly. You walked to a small area that usually had tables that were cleared out earlier for something or other and started to do some simple stretches. Everybody turned towards you and adjusted themselves so that they could see.

You stood up straight after a couple of stretches and took a deep breath. You then started to do a routine that was very difficult and that won you a couple of first place awards in the past. Everyone grew quiet as they watched you in amazement. You only did about 3 minutes of the routine before stopping and turning back to the people that were slack jawed. You giggled at their faces as you made way back to your seat. Some stared at you as you walked back to the couch others couldn't look away from the spot you were just in.

"How in the hell do you do that?!?" Tig yelled after a long silence.

"Lass, I don' thin' that' how da human body works." Chibs told you as he laughed at Tig's question. Everyone gave their opinion for a good while as time went by. Soon enough it was time to go home and you and Jax made your way home.

Sometime later, you stood in the kitchen, getting a drink of water when you heard from behind you. "You are not to show that routine to anyone else from now on."

You turned and saw Jax leaning on the door jamb with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips. You laughed at his remark. "Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah, that is so." He jested back. He made his way to you as you leaned on the counter. He stared at you with a look in his eyes that spoke volumes. It told you the love and passion he held for you. You looked back with the same look in your eyes.

"I love you." He said, breaking the silence.

You didn't say anything for a second as you looked at the ceiling in thought before jokingly telling him, "I love you...and cake." You paused as he playfully glared at you. "Maybe a little more than cake." He laughed and pulled you closer to him as he leaned his forehead against yours.

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