Comfort (Juice)

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It had been two years since they saw each other.

Two years of no letters, calls, emails, communication what so ever.

And you had regretted ever leaving on a bad note in the first place. Three years ago, you met the man of your dreams. For the first year it was amazing, you grew to love each other and even got together. You could still remember the day you met Juan Carlos Ortiz.

You sat at a table in a little diner in your hometown of Charming, CA. You studied the menu before finally deciding on a simple meal and giving the waiter your order. You sat on your phone, flipping through social media, barely noticing the group of men that came through the door.

You also didn't notice the eyes that watched you for a good while before the man that owned said eyes was pushed by his brothers to get up and talk to you.

Walking up, you noticed him out the corner of your eye. As he stopped at your table, you looked up at him with a smile.

"Hi," He said with a grin.

The grin was contagious and made your smile widen. "Hey."

He didn't say anything for a second before shaking himself and put his hand out. "Uh, I'm Juice. Well, Juan Carlos, but everybody calls me Juice." He rambled out as you put your hand out to shake his hand with a firm handshake.

"Well, Juice. I'm Y/N" You smiled at him.

He glanced down at your hands and saw your Army tattoo on your wrist that you got after passing basic. "Oh, army girl huh?"

You chuckled as you nodded and let go of his hand, or at least attempted to. "Yeah, been going on 5 years." You pulled at your hand but he wasn't letting go.

You raised your eyebrow. "Kinda need my hand back."

He widens his eyes and hastily pulled his hand back and rubbed his palms on his jeans. "Sorry, but yeah. Uh, I was wondering something...." He hesitated to continue. You nodded at him to continue. "Would you like to go out sometime?" He spoke so fast, you could barely understand him.

You got what he was saying and smiled big at him. "Sure."

"Really?!" His voice cracked as he asked. He shook his head and clear his throat and 'relaxed' and repeated himself, calmer.

You laughed as you nodded.

That was the day that started the rest of your lives together. For a year, it was bliss. Until it was time for your leave to end and return to base. You were getting deployed overseas for a mission and Juice didn't want you to go back. He was so adamant that you don't go that led to a big argument.

For two years while you were deployed, he didn't send anything and you were too stubborn to send anything first. Now, here you were walking around Charming. Trying to pick a motel to stay at til you can get an apartment situated since the last apartment you had was shared between you and Juice.

You had picked a motel and had changed into some relaxed clothes and decided to head down to the bar you saw coming into Charming. Walking in, you almost walked back out as you saw the Sons logo on multiple men around the place. You stood just in the door and contemplated walking out.

'No, Y/N, you are not gonna let them keep you from living your life.' You thought to yourself as you shook yourself out of your stupor and walked confidently up to the bar and ordered your favorite drink.

You sat at the bar for a couple of minutes before you heard a voice come from behind you. "Well, I'll be damned." You froze. Tig. "Little Y/N L/N." You sighed softly and turned around with a smile on your face.

You stared at Tig as he smiled widely at you. "Tiggy." He laughed loudly, catching the attention of multiple people in the bar. Including the Sons. He rushed to take you in his arms in a bear hug, lifting you off your feet. You laughed softly and gripped his neck as he sat you down and you let go of each other.

Soon enough most of the Sons were surrounding you and trying to grab you into a hug. You laughed at your boys that were giddy to see you. Soon, it grew quiet and some of the boys had separated to make a path.


You two didn't say anything until his face grew into a wide grin and he ran at you and almost tackled you. You gripped him tightly as tears gathered in your eyes and fell in streams down your cheeks. You felt water in your neck and thought he was crying too.

You didn't lift your head but mumbled into his neck, "I missed you."

You felt his breath on your neck, causing chills to slide down you back and throughout your body. "I missed you too, baby."


You and Juice were lying in bed, just staring at each other. Silence was comfortable around you two, that both of you were afraid to break it. He was running his fingertips up and down your back, making goosebumps appear on your skin.

Juice and you had gotten back together after that night at the bar. Tonight, was the first night that you were spending the night after countless days at the dorms.

The silence continued until his movements put you to sleep.

But it was anything but peaceful.

You felt as if you were sucked into your body. You jerked yourself and looked around your surroundings. As you did, you felt a sinking in your stomach. You were back there. To that day that you were afraid reliving every day. You and your squad were on a mission and had gotten pinned down by enemy fire. Your partner, Mark, had decided to peek over the top of his hiding spot when the gunshots had stopped and you tried to stop him, knowing what was to happen.

You tried to reach after him and pull him down but you couldn't do anything as you saw a bullet run through his head as if in slow motion. You felt the blood splatter onto your face as it twisted in agony and horror at the picture in front of you.

In the distance, you heard screaming and soon everything went back to regular pace but you were shaken out of it.

"Y/N! Y/N!"


You jerked awake and sat up in a sweat and franticly looked around, looking for the danger that your body was ready to beat.

You calmed down as you saw that you were back home. In Charming with Juice, who looked at you with concern.

"Baby, are you okay?" He said as he wrapped his arm around you and rubbed your back. His other arm reached around and put his hand on your cheek and turned your head to him. You shuddered at the memories and shook your head and buried it in his chest.

"It's okay, baby. It'll be alright. I'm here." His soothing words calmed your racing heart and stopped the flow of tears.

You didn't speak but just seeked the comfort of the man beside you.

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