Partners in Crime (Happy)

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Warning: blood

Finding yourself in this situation was not what you had in mind. The last thing you remembered was the gunshots ringing out into the night as you and the rest of the Sons had come up on a Mayan and Nord deal going down and they shot first. And the scene kept playing in your head.

You could still see the Mayan that had his sights on Happy, who didn't see him as he was aiming at some Nords that were farther to the left of him. You didn't even give yourself time to think but your body had decided for you as you ran towards Happy and pushed him out of the way.

Taking a shot to the chest, you felt as if your body was on fire. Time seemed to pass by as arms grabbed your body from the line of fire and dragged you behind some cover. You stared up at the sky that was soon blocked by the sight of a distraught Happy that slapped your face lightly to keep you awake.

"Happy..." You said as you slipped into a darkness that was endless.

"Noooo!" Was the last you heard.


Waking up was disorientating. You kept waking up in intervals. Once when you were in surgery and the doctors were working in fast pace to fix you. Again, when you were out of surgery and you heard a far-off voice that you recognized as Gemma. She was patting your hair and saying things you couldn't make out.

The last time you were finally able to make things clearer for yourself. You didn't move at first but just blinked to clear the haze that was covering your eyes.

"You're awake?"

You turned your head slowly and saw Happy sitting in the chair at the side of your bed and you almost didn't recognize the man.

He looked as if he hadn't slept nor showered in days. He sat forward with his hands clasped in front of him and his elbows resting on his knees.

He stared at you for a moment.

"What happened?" You croaked out.

He sighed as he looked down at his hands before standing up and walked over to a counter which had a water pitcher and cup and poured you some water and ice. "Well, you took a bullet for me in the chest and we had to bring you to the emergency room." He walked back over to you and tilted the cup into your mouth and you sipped at the refreshing water.

"It was touch and go for a second in the surgery. They didn't think you'd make it." He said softly. He touched the side of your head softly as you sipped the water.

"Y/N... I'm so glad that you're okay. I didn't know what to do if you weren't here. You mean too much to me for me to live without you." He leaned in and bummed foreheads with you. You both closed your eyes and sat in silence for a second. "I love you."

You barely heard him but you did and your eyes shot open at the words. You stared at him in shock before a smile grew on your face. "I love you, too Happy."

His mouth widened into a grin and leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. He leaned back.

His grin got a little more wicked and told you, "I have surprise for you."

And you found out just what that was, 3 weeks later when you were all healed.

Turns out that the Pres of the Mayans had decided he wanted to try for an alliance and offered up the man that shot you as a gift.

Which is where you were now. You and Happy stood in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere Charming, with the Mayan that shot you. The other boys were leaving you two alone with him to do with what you pleased.

"Have fun." Jax joked to you two as he and Chibs were walking out the door. You laughed at the boys as you took off your Kutt and putting it somewhere where you couldn't get any blood on it.

"Oh, we will." You heard Happy say as he walked passed you to do the same, smacking your ass on the way.

You stood in some jeans and a tank top, showing off your recently tattooed collarbone and the crow that sat there, just staring at the man that you and your man were fixing to carve up. Your stare was deadly as you just thought of what you were going to do to him.

"You ready, baby?" Was whispered in ear. You just smirked with a glare.

"Oh, you know it." You turned to the table of toys and grabbed something off the table and then turned back to your new toy sitting in the chair.

He stared between the two of you in terror and was starting to mutter behind the rag that sat in his mouth as tears were making their way down his cheeks.

Looks like you and Happy were getting new tattoos before the end of the night.

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