Fighting (Kozik)

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Working at a bar wasn't so bad, if you worked for right people. You worked at Larry's during the night shift and usually you could keep all the creeps off your back. Not many people bothered you, especially because you were a force to be reckoned with. Tonight started off like any other night, slow. It didn't pick up until around 9 p.m. when some of your regulars started to pour in. Although, it seemed like tonight was going to be a little different.

Some of the Sons of Anarchy walked in. Most of the group when over and started to talk with one of your regulars who you knew was either in deep shit or was helping the Sons with something. Two of the men had walked up to the bar and sat down. You, who was working the bar that night, walked over.

"How can I help you fine men tonight?" You asked as you threw the cleaning rag over your shoulder.

One man, a blond one that looked like a Ken doll, smiled his pearly whites and asked for beer. The other one, bald with many tattoos, asked for the same. You smiled at the men. "Coming right up." You said as you went to go grab some bottles and came back to hand them their beers.

"Let me know if you need anything more, alright?" You told them and they nodded. They just glanced around at the place as you went to help some customers at the other end of the bar.

It was about the same interaction with them as it went with the Sons but they were watching you closely. One, a middle-aged man with a wedding band on, was flirting heavily. Asking when you got off work and your number. You didn't answer him and just smiled at them politely.

The man that was flirting, seemed to already be drunk and slurring his words about 30 minutes later. You kept serving them and the flirting just kept getting worse.

"You know, you should be happy that someone took an interest in you. You're very average looking." The man spoke to you as he sloshed his drink around, creating a mess for you to clean up later.

"Is that so?" You asked as you narrowed your eyes at the man.

"Yeah," Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist tightly from the bar and almost pulled you clean over the bar top. "Come here, baby. Let me see you."

The place got quiet as everyone focused on the man. The two Sons that sat at the end were halfway off their seats and reaching for something underneath their kutte along with the others on the other side of the place.

Your face became blank as you spoke to the idiot who decided to grab you. "If you don't let go within the next 5 seconds, you're gonna wish you left well enough alone." You spoke slowly.

"Oh, yeah?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, I dare you." You spoke to him mockingly.


"I don't think you're gonna do anything."


"In fact, you're gonna give in to me."


The man kept going, as if he had grown deaf. "You might even like it."


"I don't know why you keep denying me."

"5" You didn't even pause as you twisted your wrist out of his hold and gripped his hand and pulled it closer to you and grabbed a knife that you were using to cut limes nearby and held it up to his neck, near his artery.

Everyone that was in the bar was smiling as the man nearly pissed himself.

"Now, you're never gonna mistreat another woman again. And if I find out you did, well you won't like what's playing out in my head right now." You let him go and stumbled back and held his wrist close to his body. "Now, get the fuck out." You demanded him.

His friend pushed him and out the door they ran. They people went back to what they were doing.

You turned and saw the two Sons were smiling big at you and you walked over to give them more beer.

"That was really impressive." The bald one said in a gravely voice while the blond nodded.

"Yeah, didn't expect that one." The blond said.

"Well, I got to protect myself somehow. Plus it was either that or the gun I have on me at all times, which I think probably would have made him piss himself."

The 2 laughed while you smiled. "I'm Happy." The bald one introduced himself.

"I'm Herman but you can just call me Kozik." The blond did the same. "So, I guess you don't do after hours?" He joked and you laughed at him.

Sons of Anarchy Imagines and One shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora