Chapter Twelve

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Kara's POV•||
Alex sat and calmed me down and spoke to J'onn and he said if I trust her I can tell her he trusts me. Not many people know about me and Lena. The press haven't realised well I am the press but you know the paps haven't, but anyway I haven't spoke to Lena in over a week well like 10 days and it's hurting, I handed in my report and miss grant was happy with it. As I walk into my office I get a few looks? What's going on "KIRAAAA" oh gosh she still thinks I'm her assistant. I rush to her office. She is standing with 3 pictures of me and Lena. I spoke to soon about those god damn paps. One picture was us holding hands, one was us hugging and one us laughing about to kiss. Ohhhhhh god oooooh god. "Explain" was all mrs grant said. "Hm well" "so I'm guessing your fighting at the moment or haven't discussed what to do when this happened" I just looked at her shocked, she is truly an amazing reporter. " look Kara, I am writing about you two because I don't want anyone to get it wrong or miss lead ego you are, you are my prodigy and no one is going to be little you" I looked at her in shock and in awe " mrs grant that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me" she smiled " I will wrote that you are just dating nothing serious yet, so it's not that much of a big deal. But looks like you have company" miss grant shakes her head to the door and I huff "be nice, there are eyes everywhere " miss grant laughed as I stood up walking out. She doesn't even smile at me she just follows me, we haven't said a word to each other. I go to the lift not to my office going to mine and wins old bad cave hahah get it badly cave, not the time to make a joke. Because it's sound proof and no one goes up here so if we argue no one can hear. "Your office isn't this way" i can't even speak the lump in my throat is so big. I walk to the end corridor unlocking the room with my key letting Lena in. " what is this place" there's a few pictures of me win and family stuff, I'm so happy the one James too of me is still wrapped up and you can't see it. " erm" I can't get my words out I'm so close to tears my heart is throbbing I'm so nervous. But either way I might loose her. "Kara for god sake talk to me say something" Lena said looking at me hurt and sad. " I don't know what to say" a tear rolled down my cheek "that's all you say" now she looks annoyed " I shouldn't have come here, there was no point, I was coming to check that you are okay because the pictures what have just come up and there are going to be reports" now I'm pissed. There was no point?!! " I'm fine, you can go. You are right there was no point" she looks at me shocked and sad because she knows she just fucked up. "Kar-" the door opens to a laughing win and James both them turn straight back around they both know what's going on, James shockingly has actually been really nice trying to get me to see lenas side and win I love those to there such good friends. " No Lena it's fine" "kar-" "please go" I whimpered out tears threatening to spill. Lena looks like she's about to cry as she just walks out. I can't help but sit on the sofa and cry" I need to go home I sort myself out. Well as best as I could, and walk down to the elevator to go to my office. Mrs grant is walking around just looking what people are doing "good god Kira" she says pulling me to my office because no windows no one can see. " what happened?" Miss Grant said going in my draw getting some face wipes.I look at her cocking my eyebrow because I know she's writing the report for it. She huffs "I'm here as a friend, you look awful and you look like you need a girls help well a woman's" I take a deep breath "she's just being so naive then takes it out on me and now everything has got so much worse and I don't even know what to say to her" I have to be careful because the alien thing miss grant would have Freak out. " I hate to say it, but if she is not taking your feelings into account and can't see your side. Maybe it's not supposed to be. I'm giving you the rest of the week off payed leave you need to sort yourself out" I smile " thank you" " no need to thank me now let's do your make up" She is actually lovely person
Lenas POV •||
She basically told me she was an alien, yes I'm shocked so shocked but that doesn't change my opinion about her, she doesn't answer my texts or phone calls and it hurts like it's killing me. I haven't saw her in in nearly 2 weeks I miss her. I'm sitting at my desk going over the final production plans for the divise. Holy shit her job, cat grant would for sure get one, she make a story about Kara, Kara is shy she would hate her privacy being taken away. Oh I'm so stupid, I get why she's so angry at me. But that still doesn't explain why she's never told me, before this like if I didn't create this would she still of told me. Probably not and I'm her girl friend. Is it because I'm a Luther? Is that why she asked me that question. "Sorry to interrupt you miss Luther, here's some pictures what got taken by paps and have just been sold to magazines" jess said, me and jess are close friends out of work I just didn't tell her yet and when I saw her after work she went crazy at me haha. She's okay though. "Shit" she raises an eyebrow "spoken to her yet?" I shake my head " time to get your ass over there" I laugh at her shaking my head standing up, cancel what I have for the rest of this week please and you take the rest of the week off as well. She looks at me shocked. " I'm not complaining" she walks off.
——— at Catco———
I asked win where Kara was and he smiled at me and gave me a hug and said miss grant wanted her. So I went and stood by karas old desk. Cat nods to the door and Kara looks at me with a blank expression. She smiles at cat and comes out, she walks out and I just follow her like a lost puppy, there's so many eyes in us. Kara walks into the elevator, where on earth is she going, she takes me to what looks like a computer den. It's so awkward in here. She hasn't answered the last two things I've said. "What is this place?" I ask looking at her "Erm" for god sake I can't deal with this  "Kara for god sake talk to me say something" I said, I just want her to talk" I don't know what to say" a tear rolled down her cheek and it broke my heart "I shouldn't have come here, there was no point, I was coming to check that you are okay because the pictures what have just come up and there are going to be reports" okay poor wording I could have said that better "There was no point?!! I'm fine, you can go. You are right there was no point" I just fucked up I've never seen her like this "Kar-" the door opens to a laughing win and James both them turn straight back around, both looking extremely awkward " No Lena it's fine" "kar-" "please go" She whimpered, I just walked out the door and called my driver. I had to keep myself composed till I get home incase someone got a picture.
———/// 2 days later \\\———
It's only Wednesday. I should have stayed at work because all I've done is eat ice cream and cry. Fuck this. I'm going to see her it's 8pm. I call my driver he said he'll be here in 10 mins I change into some sweats and a hoody with my hair in a bun with no makeup I look so casual....
Kara pov •|||
Alex and magy have been keeping me company. Right now we're all on the sofa watching Grease, when there's a knock at the door. I look at the door lifting my glasses up. Looking shocked, Alex paused the television her magy looking at me questioningly. "Kara I know you are in there, it's been nearly 3 weeks, I'm sick of fighting with you, or can you can least end it with me" ooooh now I'm mad I literally flew to the front door opening it stupidly fast. "WHY WOULD I END IT?!! Don't be so stupid Lena, if that's what you want do not come to my house telling me to end it. You do it" Everyone looks shocked even Alex. " Okay well we are going, Kara if you need us ring" magy said grabbing alex pulling her out the door, alex hugged me "go easy" I nod. I step out the way so she can come in. " do you really want to end it?" I say shutting the door looking at her " of course I don't, but 3 weeks kar barley a word off of you, what else am I supposed to think?" I shrug as she walks over to me holding my chin looking at me. " I cancelled the production of the divise and burned the blueprints" my eyes get watery " for me?" "Of course for you, why didn't you tell me kar? Is it because my family? I swea-" " no it's not because of your family, it's just awkward and hard to tell someone what I am, it's weird and because who I am could but you in more danger" she looks at me confused. I huff moving her away from her to go get changed " before you see this I'm sorry and I understand if you want to end it"

 I huff moving her away from her to go get changed " before you see this I'm sorry and I understand if you want to end it"

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Lena looks so shocked. "So hm yea I'm super girl"


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