Chapter Fifthteen

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YALLLLL ARE FAST I LITERALLY UPDATED NIT EVEN 30 MINS AGO!! I guess I'll give you another chapter.

Recap: Lena POV •||
I look at her in the eyes tug on her shirt of course it's what I want....
(Still Lena POV)
I pulled the shirt over her head and she seconds after pulls mine off like so fast. She smirks. Jhesus how fast is she. Kara took off her own trousers and panties and bra removing mine also all in seconds. I pull her face upto mine. "Hey beautiful, slow down Im not going anywhere" she smiles so big kissing me softly. "Sorry I've wanted you for a while I'm excited" she blushes hard. " you are cute" she smiles kissing my chest then my boobs then softly sucks on my nip, i buck my hips jheees this feels so good. "Mmmm baby this feels so good" I flip us over shocking Kara. Kissing and biting on her neck " WAIT" I sit up on her, she looks scared " jhesus what" " how did I give you a hickey last time?!" Everyone knew except me and Sam. Hm I'll moan about it some other time. She shrugged "I don't know, I don't care I like it" Kara pulled my face down kissing me hard as grinded onto her, kissing down her chest, than her body than to her beautiful forbidden fruit, looking at her as she bites her lip nodding as I slide 2 fingers in starting off slow. Seeing her reaction to me in amazing her body is rolling her hands are gripping the sheets, I slowly flick her clit with my tongue. She lets out a moan, softly mumbling moving her body softly. As I add another finger and my tongue going faster I feel her fingers grip my hair tight. I lift up slowly grabbing her hand loosening it. " easy, got a strong grip" I wink at her inserting three fingers going fast sucking on her clit."LENA IM CLOSE" I speed up curling my fingers sucking harder, holding her down as she releases. I pull out my fingers sucking them then cleaning her up. I have never saw someone move so fast. I was pinned to the bed, with a hungry looking Kara on top of me she leans down kissing me. " that was Amazing" she scratches my sides softly. While kissing down my body missing my forbidden fruit, kissing the inside of my thighs blowing on my clit, "KARA DO NOT TEASE ME" she giggles softly but then moves her tongue softly licking opening my folds, she starts going faster and her tongue going deeper while she rubs my clit, I'm panting and moving I've never felt this good my hands are gripping the sheets "holy shit" her tongue moves faster I let out a throaty moan bucking my hips she pushes them back down going faster. "KKKKARAAAA" "I CLOSE" Kara goes deeper if that was possible as I release she swallows cleaning me up. She lays next to me and pulls me in kissing me, that was amazing. I giggle " yes it was"
••• Knock knock•••
"Always the best timing" Kara says sarcastically as she kisses me walking out naked grabbing a dressing gown. She opens the door and I hear multiple voices. I guess I should get dressed.

Just a quick update because I got 4 likes within 15 mins of putting the last chapter up. Y'all are dope. Please comment and like I value your input:) as always 7 likes next chapter this one was surprise one xxxxx

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