I UPDATEDChapter 29

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Lena Pov •||
I have definitely just ditched Kara again and yes I know what your thinking why the hell have you ditched her well you see my ex girlfriend is coming into town and we're just going to go for a catch up. And no I know what your thinking I'm not going to hook up with her she was a close friend before and we are still quite close.
"Brinley!! It's so good to see you" I hug her " god Lena I've missed you back home, but looks like you are literally running your own empire here" I laugh " when I told you I wanted to recreate the same I meant it" Brinley smiled bright at me while calling a waiter "can we have  bottles of wine 2 white 2 red and a bottle of rosé to, I burst out laughing as I know tonight is going to be messy.
4 hours later -
Me and Brinley are finally leaving the bar and to say we have had to much to drink is an understatement like we have easily had 5 bottles each. Well anyway we are linked arms walking through the paps laughing getting into my car telling my driver to drop us at her hotel than I'm going to see Kara. So what if it's like 3am.
1 hour later
Im knocking on Karas door and she opens it her and Kiera looking st me in shock. "Why Kiera awake" "you knock quite loudly for someone who has súper hearing" Kiera sassed " Im going back to bed night kar, Lena" "she rweally doesn't like me" "well you haven't made the best impressions have you? Let's get you cleaned up and into bed" Kara lifted me up causing me to laugh and her to smile st me. Kara than washed me up and put me in her baggy t.shirt. "That's the most you've touched me in months" I threw my hands over my mouth, Kara looked just as shocked as I was feeling "come on Lena, you got to sleep" she put me into her bed while she got into the other side moving as far as possible away from me. Well done Lena you just pissed her off again.

Kara Pov •||
Me and the girls had a really good night me and Kira also both got kind of drunk which was fun I just wished Lena came. I mean I saw the pictures of her out with that girl and she looked so happy she never looks like that with me anymore I just wish I could make her smile like that. I really hope she's not hooking up with that girl. *Knock Knock* I stumble out of my room tired seeing Kiera walk out rubbing her eyes. "You expecting anyone kar?" "Nope" i X-ray "it's Lena" she huffs, I really don't know why she dislikes Lena do much. After an awkward encounter with Kiera and Lena at the door I took Lena through washed her up and was putting her to bed. "That's the most you've touched me in months" wow well that hurt, Lena looked just as shocked that she had said that. I put her into bed and got in the other side. I mean me and her have been through so much and I don't know if either of us are happy anymore we really need to talk about this when she is sober.
Just a fast one I am writing a longer chapter now. Just a little one because I promised 10likes next chapter

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