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"Kira are you okay ???" "YEAH IM GOOD" "are you sure?" "yeah I don't understand how Kara gets into one of these so fast bloody hell its difficult" I couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter"

Kara Pov

This is honestly so intense like what the hell, i am looking around for alex because i really don't feel like dying right now and this man is pointing what looks like a kryptonite arrow? or something he is pointing it right at my heart and i am afraid like i am so scared, it is pointed right at my heart. His eyes lock with mine, i don't want to look away because if i do, he will shoot and i don't think that i am going to out fly this bullet. every agent is busy. I am alone in this. There is no one i am bye myself in this i have to try, otherwise everyone else is in danger, either way this might be the end. fuck how did i not see him.

As i figue out my next move, he winked at released i lunch at him as fast as i can. the arrow went straight through my side. I haven't felt pain like this. I can't stop i grab him and slam him into the floor at let out a scream of pure pain.

Keira Pov

I heard a scream, i think it's kara my heart throbbed, I put on the prototype suit and pray to god that this works and just fly towards the scream, my sister the other part of me what i have just found, I CAN'T lose her. I fly through the door of a random building where there are loads of other people rounding fighting i see alex and she's running through people trying to get to kara i landed next to kara i hold the man down and alex puts cuffs on his hands throwing him to the side. i hold kara. her eyes are flickering " Kar kara Kar please please please i need you, you my baby sister please" alex says sobbing fumbling putting pressure on the wound. "DIRECTOR DANVERS YOU NEED TO STOP AND DO YOUR JOB WE CANT LOSE HER" a agent said looking scared as hell alex nodded "I NEED A HELP TO GET SUPERGIRL UP TO THE MEDICAL CENTRE NOW" 

multiple agents swarmed with medical equipment others getting the rest of the 'Bad guys' into handcuffs. i don't know what to do with myself I'm lost alex looked at me and come over holding my face "Keira there was nothing you could have done" "i could of been here" alex sad smiles "she would have never let that happen" tears just fall down my face "who are you alex, I thought you was a doctor, can you help her?" alex looks at me " I will explain everything i promise, but you need to get lena incase we have to say goodbye" alex chocked out. I don't know how to deal with this situation.

I fly back to lenas apartment as fast i can. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHERE DID YOU GO" I look at her i don't know how to fathom my words "you need to come with me" i stuttered out "WHY IS KARA OK?!" i couldn't help but burst out crying "Lena i'm scared"

Alexs POV 

I saw the arrow go through her she looked straight at him no hesitation. that she was going to take him out so that he doesn't hurt anymore people. as much as i broke me seeing her do that she was doing it for us. i need to get over to her i need to see her i need to make sure she is ok. and if everything was moving in slow motion as if i can see her very breath i scream as i go through the crowd. I see Keria burst through the front windows eyes darting a the floor to kara fear all over her face. full of confusion. 

i get to kara, Keira holds the scum down and i throw cuffs on the scum bag and throw him out of my way, i will deal with him later. Karas eyes are flickering " Kar kara Kar please please please i need you, you my baby sister please" I saysobbing fumbling putting pressure on the wound. I can't get my head around this "DIRECTOR DANVERS YOU NEED TO STOP AND DO YOUR JOB WE CANT LOSE HER" a Taylor  said looking scared as hell i nodded and started yelling for extra help "I NEED A HELP TO GET SUPERGIRL UP TO THE MEDICAL CENTRE NOW" 

I look at them and try to be strong I hold my head up, i need to help my sister. I look around and my new sister is looking around lost not sure what to do with herself. I feel bad i do she has no idea what she has just walked into and to be honest i am afraid. I know kara wouldn't want her walking into this, not like this not when a cadmus asshole just might have killed our sister, i can't think like that. I run back to Keira. i look at her holding her face, "Keira there was nothing you could have done" i can tell that she didn't believe me  "i could of been here" i sad smile at her "she would have never let that happen" tears just fall down her face "who are you alex, I thought you was a doctor, can you help her?" i look at her, she knows i was a fib agent doctor but she just heard me getting called director so i can't lie right now  " I will explain everything i promise, but you need to get lena incase we have to say goodbye" i chocked out. Realising  I don't know how to deal with this situation. I might lose my baby sister the one who knows me the most the one who has been my side through it all. I can't lose her 

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