Chapter 7

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Jessica's POV

"Alright, this is our biggest show ever! There's thousands of people in this stadium right now, to see our smiling faces on those big screens. Let's do this! Hands in!" Brian says as he gives our traditional pep talk before each show.

"YAAASSS LONDOONN!!" We all about putting our hands up.

Today is our second show in London, but instead of the Honeymoon Tour, it's the Capital FM Summertime Ball!

We're all made our way under the stage to get ready to go on.

"You're gonna do great baby, I love you." Justin says to me giving me a kiss.

"I love you too." I respond, kissing him back before going up in the lift.

While I was performing I could not hear a thing! Like, are my in ears broken right now?

After the performance I made my way backstage.

"Did I do okay?" I ask Justin.

"You killed it!" he responds.

"Did I sound okay?" I ask Scott.

"Yeah, you sounded great! You sounded fuckin great." he says.

"My in ears were off! Clearly, my lead vocals were not in my mix of my ears & I couldn't hear shit, I blind sang the whole thing. God knows what I sound like, well you know what I sound like but whatever. It was fine." I say to Fredo as he walks behind me filming a tour diary.

I was stopped by a Capital FM DJ for a little interview "It's Capital 95 live fresh from the stage with Jessica Pelligrini, how was that for you?"

"Literally fresh from the stage, I can't breathe. It's so hot on stage!"

"We have about a thousand people listening right now! But I gotta ask, the heels! How do you do it?"

"Of all things, you ask about the heels! My brother taught me."

"You've got a big family here backstage with you tonight."

"They're like my best friends, my family, love of my life. I love the crew that I'm with."

We end the interview & make our way to the car.

"Oh my god, y'all. 80,000 people heard me winging those vocals because my in ears were out."

"You still sounded perfect though." Justin says.

"Oh shut up, you'll always say that."

"Are you gonna watch it back?" Layla asks.

"Oh god no, not in a million years. Oh my god! I forgot about what I said in my god damn interviews!"

"What'd you say?" she asks.

"Did you hear what I said?" I asked Justin.

"You said "Don't talk to me" or something?"

"No, I didn't say don't talk to me! They were like "Talk to me about boys." and I was like "No" and they were like "Why?" & I was like "Because, I'm not Big Sean's Ex, it doesn't matter if I'm back with Justin or not. I'm Jessica Pelligrini & if that's not interesting enough, don't talk to me." I said to everyone, surprising myself, realizing what I had said. I got a few claps & shocked faces.

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