Chapter 13

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Justin's POV

It's Friday, July 12th 2019.

We're in Boca Raton, Florida, Jessica's hometown.

I'm so fucking nervous because I'm meeting her dad for the first time. I've seen pics of him and he doesn't look intimidating, but from what Jess has says, he seems it.

"Justin, don't be nervous. I'm sure he'll love you." Jess says, rubbing her hand over mine, as were in our Uber ride to her dads beach house.

"Are you sure? I mean if he knows about my past, like, how could I not be."

"I guess that's true, but you just have to prove to him that you're not like that anymore."

We made it to her dads. Here goes nothing.

"Daddy!!" She yells as she runs up to him giving him a huge hug.

"Baby girl!! I've missed you, so much!!" her dad responds.

"I missed you too! So, I have someone that I'd like you to meet. Dad, this is Justin, my boyfriend. Justin, this is my dad, Danny Ventera." she introduces us.

"Nice to meet you, sir." I say shaking his hand.

"Oh, call me Danny!" He says back.

"Well, you two get to talking, I'm going to take my bags inside." Jessica says.

"So, you're the guy who's dating my daughter?" he asks.

"Yes, sir."

"I assume, you treat her well?"

"Yes, very. I treat her like the queen she is."

"And you would never, ever, hurt her?"

"Well, sir, I did save her life, twice. So, no. If I ever do, it's never on purpose."

He nods his head in agreement "Very nice. Now, about your past. I need to know that my daughter isn't dating some scumbag celebrity."

"My past is behind me. I've eliminated the bad influencers who were in my life, I've made changes for my own well being. I'm in a good spot in my life now. Yes, I do still smoke sometimes, but I'm not getting high & drinking. Yes, I do drink, but I don't drive while intoxicated. I'm healthy, I have great friends, I have a family who supports me, I've found my purpose on this earth, I've found a new love for God, and most importantly, I found the girl of my dreams who love me for me."

Danny stood there speechless. Did I actually make a good impression?

"That's great, Justin. I'm glad you've gotten your life together."

"Thank you & so am I. My manager swears I'd be dead if I didn't shape up."

"I know Jessica is glad you're still living."

"I do know. She tells me everyday."

"I'm not gonna lie. I haven't always been fond of you, but I always knew how much she loved you, so I always tried my best to gain respect for you & now I think I have. Just don't break my daughters heart, or else all respect will be lost."

"Thank you, it means a lot. And don't worry, I don't plan on it."

"Aww, I love that you guys are getting along!!" Jessica says on her way back outside.

"Yes, you've got a great guy by your side." Danny says.

"I know I do." She says with a big smile, hugging me. "Wanna come see my childhood room?"

Forever Boy (JBXAG TRADING PLACES SEQUEL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora