Chapter 20

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Jessica's POV

"Three, two, one, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" we all shout as the clock stroke midnight. Justin gives me a sweet champagne kiss.

I can't believe we are now in the year 2020. This is absolutely insane. Last year was was such an eventful year. So many things happened, the good and the bad.

We're only a few minutes into the new year, and it's going great. I got my baby by my side, and my friends & family are all here bringing so much light and happiness into the room.

Justin & I leave for Greece tomorrow, I'm so excited. It'll be my first time there & to spend it with the love of my life is going to make the whole experience better.


"Baby, wake up. We're here." Justin says quietly, nudging my arm.

I open my eyes to his smiling face. He points to the window, motioning me to look out. The water as blue as the sky. The view is absolutely beautiful.

We landed in Santorini! Justin & I grabbed our carry ons and headed off the boat. Once we had all our luggage, we got into taxi and made our way to the hotel.

Our suite was all white with little bits of purple here and there. There's a huge wall made of windows, letting in so much light to brighten up the room. There are sliding doors onthat wall that lead to our own private pool and hot tub.

I walk to the bedroom of the suite to find a very natural lit room with a bed that was covered in white puffy bedding. Everything looks so clean and bright. I set my purse down on the bed and prop my suitcase up against the wall.

"How's the room, babe?" Justin asks.

"It's perfect, it really is. Thank you for this, Justin. This is the best gift."

"You're welcome, Jess. I have so much planned for us. Massages, snorkeling, relaxing on the beach.."

"And our favorite thing to do?" I say to Justin with a smirk, pulling him closer by his shirt.

"Mmhmm. Exactly." he places his lips on mine, slipping his tongue into my mouth. We make out for a minute before he pulls away.

"Wanna order some lunch?" he asks.

"Yes, please. I'm starving."

Justin grabs the menu off the side table and we decided what we want. I ordered a salad and Justin got a sandwich. We took our lunch out to our private terrace that sits next to the pool.

"This view is so gorgeous." I say looking out into the ocean, taking a bite of my salad.

"It is. It's one of the reasons why I booked this room."

"What's the other reasons?"

"The privacy, the natural light, the pool. It's great in so many ways."

"I love it. It feels good to get away from reality for a bit."

"Oh, definitely. I always like to get away from it all when I can."

"This is like, the first time I feel like I'm free. Like yeah, I had days off on tour, but I never relaxed. We were always going somewhere or doing something. And after tour, I was just working again with Focus, then Christmas & Chill."

"Yeah, that's how touring is like, and just how this life is like. I knew you needed a vacation, and I wasn't gonna let anyone stop you from having one."

"So, Scooter?"


"He still wants to me write while we're here. I told him maybe."

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