Chapter 14

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Jessica's POV

"I know what I came to do, and that ain't gonna go ahead and talk ya talk, 'cause I won't take the bait."

I sing to myself as I sit on the bus with my notebook, on our way to Tampa. It's our first show back! I couldn't be more excited! My moms here, Nonna is here, Derek is here. Having family at my shows is the best.

"I'm over here doin what I like. I'm over here workin day & night. If my real ain't real enough, I'm sorry for you bae."

"Damn, those are some sassy lyrics." Layla says looking over to my notebook.

I giggle "Yeah, it's about it get sassier."

If you're wondering where Justin is, he's napping in our bed on the bus. I totally don't mind, I get the most writing done when he's not around.

"What's the song about?" Layla asks.

"It's basically written towards all the people who work for celebrity news, to focus on me & my career, not what I'm doing in my freetime, not who I'm dating, not who I'm supposedly in a feud with."

"Oh wow, I love that idea. Reminds me of the whole speech you gave while we were in London."

"Exactly where I got it from. I think this will be the first single off the new album that'll come out in October."

"I think it's a great one to be the first single. The sooner it's out the better, just to get the message out."

"Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely."

About an hour or so later, we made it to Tampa. I did sound check and warm up, which was Derek & I singing broadway tunes. Justin surprised me & sang a High School Musical song with me, doing his best with the words.

"Right here, right now." Justin & I sing in unison.

I sing "I'm lookin at you, and my heart loves the view, cause you mean everything."

"Right here, I promise you somehow." Justin sings.

"That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be, but right now there's, you and me." We finish the song together, looking into each other's eyes.

We slowly go into a kiss, like it was a moment right from a movie.

"Get a room, you lovebirds." Derek says with a chuckle.

"Alright, cmon baby." Justin says pulling away, smirking. I put my hands over my face, laughing.

It came to show time, I put on my first outfit & walked backstage, arm in arm with Justin. We got into our prayer circle & Scott gave his speech.

"Welcome back! I hope everyone had a nice, little, break. I was talking with Jess earlier, asking her what pose she's going to do at the end of Vogue, and she gives me the ballsiest fucking pose. Like, this girl is so ballsy." He says.

"Another way of saying, "this girl is psycho." I laugh.

Scott laughs at my response and shakes his head, then continues his speech "In 2 & half months, we'll have our last American show, so let's really make the best of it."

He finishes & we end the prayer circle with "STRIKE A POSE THERES NOTHING TO IT. BALLS!"

Justin gives me one last kiss before I go on stage. I love this little tradition we have.

Justin's POV

"You know what I realized?" I ask Jess, on our way back to her dressing room after the show.

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