Chapter 39

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Justin's POV

I'm currently sitting in the studio right now, at 2:31pm. Scooter basically threatened to cancel Jessica's tour if I didn't stay home to work on music since Jess & I both wanted me to be there on the Europe leg. We have such good memories in Europe. It sucks I can't be there. I should be getting a call from Jess any minute now. She should have just finished her show in Manchester.

*Baby Jess is calling*

"Hey babe what's-


"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"T-there was a-attack...someone set off a b-bomb..." she was trying to get out through the tears and the panic.

"W-where are you now?! Are you okay?!"

"I-I'm on my way to the grab my things..then I-I'm going home to Boca...I saw so many fans crying & screaming...J-Justin I'm so scared for them."

"Shh, baby. I know, it has to be so hard. Everything is going to be okay."

"I-I just wanna s-see you."

"I'm getting on the next flight to Boca, I'll see you in the morning, okay?"


"Breathe, baby, breathe. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"


"I will, baby. Just hang on, I gotta let Scooter know what's going on. He's gonna kill me if I don't tell him what's up."


"There was bombing at Jessica's show." I tell Scooter.

"What?! Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Shes on her way to the hotel to grab her stuff, then she's going home to Boca. I'm getting the next flight out so I can meet her at the airport in the morning."

"Justin, you have to be work-

"Scooter, the album and shit can wait. I don't give a fuck about it right now. I need to be with my fiancée as soon as I can because she needs me. You would drop everything for Yael, right? No matter how much work you had to get done because she's the most important person to you, right?"

He was silent. He knew I was right.

"Get me a ticket too."

"Hey, babe?" I get back on the phone with Jess.


"Just making sure you're still there. I'm going home to pack & booking Scooter & I plane tickets."

"P-please get Layla & Fredo one too. I'm texting with her right now & she wants to be with me too."

"Okay, I will. Is your mom with you?"

"Yeah, she's fine."

About 8pm, we all get on a plane to Boca. We will meet with Jessica's Nonna & her brother, Derek, at the airport & then wait for Jess.

In the morning

"Justin, Jessica's plane is landing." Layla says, waking me up from my sleep.

I stand up & walk outside with everyone once the plane landed. I ran to where the steps of the plane come down, waiting for her to come out.

She comes down the steps with sweats & a hoodie with sneakers on. Her hair tied half up in a messy bun. Still managed to get her signature winged eyeliner on. She reached the last step and just hugged me tight. I felt tears drop onto my shirt.

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