Chapter 50

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Jessica's POV

January 5th, 2023

Justin & I are starting the year off right with our babymoon in the Bahamas! It's just the two of us for one last getaway before baby girl comes. We've gone swimming, we've laid out in the sun, did some shopping, and of course, we fucked...a lot. Don't worry, it's totally fine to fuck while pregnant.

We're currently grabbing some Starbucks, decaf of course, before hitting up some more shops.

I got an iced decaf soy latte & Justin got an iced caramel latte.

We walked into this one gift shop that has so much baby stuff. Onsies, bottles, pacifiers, toys, just so much. Justin & picked out this cute set of little stuffed sea animals that are all different colors. It'll be cute to have them sitting on the baby's bookshelf til she's old enough to play with them. We also got her a little onsie too.

Justin & I went into another shop that lets you open up conch shells & whatever pearls are inside, you can have made into jewelry. I got lucky & got two pink ones, that were made into earrings. They had a bigger matching one that was from a different shell that Justin got made into a simple necklace for me. This is definitely my go to jewelry now.

I picked up a couple oversized tees, then we headed back to the hotel to pack to go home.

Justin & I just onto the plane. We're making our way to our seats, but for some reason, I'm feeling super dizzy.

"Babe, I-I feel really diz-

"Wha-what happened?" I wake up, to my head pounding.

"You fainted, Jess." Justin says.

I'm laying in a little room that looks like a nurses office of a school.

"Is the baby okay?"

"Yes, they baby is fine."

"Am I fine? Where are we?"

"You're okay, you're fine. They baby is fine. We're all okay. We're still at the airport, they have a little infirmary here. They said once you're awake & stable, we can get on the next flight out. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, except my head is pounding."

"Makes sense, you hit your head pretty hard."

"Did they say why I fainted?"

"It's just from your hormones rising, causing your blood vessels to relax & widen. They said it helps to increase the blood slow to the baby, and that slows down the blood in the vains that you need. It's makes your blood pressure lower than normal and it like slows down the blood flow to your brain, causing you to be dizzy."

"Wow, interesting. And you actually paid attention."

"Hey, I may zone out when a doctor is telling me shit I don't want to hear about myself, but when it comes to you, our baby, and the health of both of you, I'm all ears."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby. Always."

Moments later the nurse practitioner came in to check on me. She had me get up slowly from the bed & stand up. She had me sit in a wheelchair & use that instead of walking for now until we get home. It'll give me time to be resting before we get to LAX where I'll have to be walking a ton. Well, I'll walk as much as I can. They just said to take it easy as best as I can.

It's been a few days since we've got back. I've been feeling a lot better, but I still have to take it easy. Justin has been so sweet, but he hasn't really been letting me do anything on my own, and honestly it's getting on my last nerve.

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