Chapter 46

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Jessica's POV

Monday, August 22nd 2022

Today is finally the day where Justin & I get to see the baby for the first time! I do have a little tiny baby bump, it's so cute, honestly. My app says the baby is about the size of a prune! We are so excited to see him or her. I don't think we'll find out the gender today, well, when we do know the gender, we won't know til the reveal party. Layla is already so excited to put the party together & were going to give the doctors office permission to let her know what the gender is.

Justin & I want to know the gender so we can get the nursery ready & get all the cute clothes and such. I want to be the first to know what it is, but I just love the idea of Justin & I finding out together and seeing pink or blue in whatever box, cake, piñata, etc, Layla picks.

"Jessica?" the nurse called out for me.

Justin & I exchanged hellos and she led us to our room.

"If you don't mind getting on the scale to get your weight. How much do you normally weigh?" the nurse asks.

"Umm, about 104 pounds."

"That's about average for your height, which is great. It seems you've gained about 5 pounds, you're weighing in at 109, which is great."

Justin & I both smile at the good news.

"Did you drink a lot of water for the ultrasound?" she asks.

"Yes, I did. I definitely have to pee after this." I chuckle.

The nurse laughs along with me, "Well alright, lets get it started. You can go ahead a lay down. Are you still dealing with morning sickness?"

"I am not, that's done with, thankfully."

"Great to hear. Alright, the gel is going to be cold, just so you have a warning."

I lift my shirt up and she squeezes some gel onto my belly. She takes the little scanner thingy and moves it around on me. It glides all over with the gel. The nurse get it in just the right spot and the baby shows on the monitor.

I feel tears form in my eyes.

"There's the baby right here." She points to the screen.

"Oh my god, it's so little." I say wiping away a tear. I look up to Justin as he does the same.

"Let's get the volume turned on so we can hear the heartbeat."

"We can hear her heartbeat?" I ask.

Justin chimes in, "Her? Who says it's a girl?"

"Me, I feel like it is. I want it to be, anyways."

"To answer your question, Jessica," the nurse says "We can hear the heartbeat. There it is."

Justin and I stay quiet for a moment and listen to the heartbeat. We both cry a little bit more.

"I'll zoom in, get some more photos, and then the doctor will be right in." she says.

Once the ultrasound is finished, Justin & I are in the room by ourselves as we wait for the doctor. He sits next to me on the bed, and holds my hand, as we look a picture of the baby left on the monitor.

"I can't believe we made a baby. How wild is that?" Justin says.

"So very wild. Like, there's a fucking baby inside of it's really just now hitting me. We're gonna be parents in like, 6 months or so."

"I know, I can't wait to be a dad. You really think it's gonna be a girl?"

"I think so."

"I want a boy, but I'll be happy with whatever we have."

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