Chapter 64

63 5 2

Jessica's POV

Today is my first official show of the Sweetener World Tour, because, ya know.

Um, kinda speaking of that, I've definitely had backlash from people, mainly parents, but most of my fans have been super understanding. They've been with me through everything, and they know how many issues I've had with Arabella in the past. They trust me, and I couldn't be more thankful that they do.

I set up my phone on the countertop backstage in my dressing room & record another video.

"Hi guys. So um, today is the new official day of my Sweetener World Tour starting. I just want to say thank you to my fans who have been so understanding & supportive that past couple days with what happened. I could not be more grateful for you all, to be so so so supportive. I want to apologize to the people who think I am in the wrong, who think I'm a murderer, which is a lot of parents. I'm am sorry that you think that way, but know that is one hundred percent, now what I am. I have said this before & this will be the last time saying it, it was self defense. All witnesses at the scene can say it was. She was about to shoot me, then Justin, then who knows who. If you know my past, you know my issues I had with this person. It is never my intention to be malicious to anyone. Again, I am sorry. And thank you again, to my dear fans. I love you all so much & I can't wait to see y'all on tour and to meet you, which I'm about to go do. Bye."

I stopped recording and posted it to Instagram.

I put my phone in my pocket and headed to my meet & greet. I have never been more nervous for a meet & greet honestly. Layla is currently doing her first ever performance in an arena. She was so nervous but I saw start her set and it was so good. I'm so glad I get to help my best friend get to her dreams.

My first fan came in, she's so excited.

"Hi cutie! How are you?" I ask her.

"I'm amazing! How are you?"

"I'm...nervous. But good! What's your name, love?"


"That's so pretty! I've always loved that name. Your outfit is so cute too! Very R.E.M./God Is a Woman vibes."

"Those are my favorite songs!"

"Ill let you in a on a little secret, the show starts with God Is a Woman, right after Raindrops."

"Oh my god, that's going to be perfect."

"I can't wait for you to see! Let's take our picture, shall we?"

We take our picture & have our hug goodbye, and I continue on with the others.

Everyone is so sweet. There was a mom rolling her eyes with how excited her daughter was. You could really tell she was not happy to be there.

I finished up the meet & greet then went to go get ready for the show.

I got dressed in a red top that looks like it's all straps and buckles & the matching skirt with matching thigh high pleather boots.

"Ready, babe?" Justin asks me.

"More than ready."

I give Mia a kiss goodbye & goodnight as my mom will put her to sleep for the night soon.

I grabbed Justin's hand and we walked to underneath the stage.

"Oh god, I can feel the nerves now hearing everyone." I say to Justin.

"You got this, baby."

"Yeah. Yeah, I do. I do got this."

I take a deep breath in and out. I wrap my arms around Justin's neck and kiss him.

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