Chapter 16

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Jessica's POV

Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

"With the taste of your lips, I'm on a ride. You're toxic, I'm slippin' under." I sing along while making Justin & I breakfast in our kitchen. Yes, our kitchen!

I have officially moved in with Justin! My name is on the house, I've changed addresses at the post office, everything is going so perfect.

Layla & Fredo decided to keep the penthouse for themselves, which is great.

I continue cooking while dancing, wearing Justin's button up shirt from our date night last night. We celebrated me moving in!

"Ah! Justin, you startled me!" I say to him, as he surprises me by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Sorry, babe." he chuckles. "What are you making?"

"Banana chocolate chip pancakes."

"Oo, yum."

"There's tofu bacon for me and regular bacon for you."

"Aww, you're so sweet baby." He kisses me on the cheek. "What made you want to make breakfast?"

"Well, I figured since this is my first morning living here, I'd show you what it'll be like from now on. Unless you wanna take turns cooking."

"We definitely could, babe. This is so great. I'm so glad you moved in with me."

"I am too."

"Are you excited for the masquerade ball tonight?"

"Yes, very!"

"Good. There's plenty of dresses and lingerie to choose from in the closet."

Tonight, Scooter is throwing a masquerade charity auction ball for Pencils of Promise. Of course we're going. Why wouldn't we?

"You got me dresses? And lingerie?"

"I told you I'd get you a whole new wardrobe."

"You didn't have too."

"I wanted too."

"Thank you, honey. You booked the hotel room, right?"

"Yes, babe."

"Good. I'm glad you remembered."

Justin & I ate breakfast, then Layla & I went to the nail salon.

"So, hows living with Justin so far?" Layla asks as we sit in the massage chairs, getting pedicures.

"Honestly, it doesn't really feel much different, but then it does at the same time. This morning, I felt like we were married when I asked him if he reserved the room for tonight."

"That's how I feel with Fredo. I don't mind it though."

"I don't either. I feel like Justin might ask me soon."

"To marry you?"

"Yeah. We talked about our future again when we went out after my iHeart show. He's definitely been thinking about it more."

"If he does anytime soon, what will you say?"

"I would say, yes. Absolutely yes. I love him more than anything."

"You know, I absolutely believe you guys were made for each other."

"Thanks, I think so too."

We finished up at the nail salon, then I went home to start getting ready.

Forever Boy (JBXAG TRADING PLACES SEQUEL)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum