Chapter 44

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Jessica's POV

June 26th, 2022

I am currently on set of my new music video for my next single, "God is a woman" and it's my 23rd birthday! Time really does fly when you're having fun.

I'm currently sitting on the couch filming some behind the scenes shit with Fredo.

"So today is a really, stellar day. So, Madonna, she gave me not one, but seven takes. Madonna, my queen since like, ever. And I um, I don't have words. I'm gonna cry myself to sleep. Guys, life doesn't get better than this. I swear to god if something changes, honest to god knock me out."

I hear the door open behind me & Justin comes in.

"Cutie!! Hi baby!" I get up to greet him. I wrap my arms around his neck as we hug.

"I brought you more coffee."

"Really? Where?"

"Over there."

I giggle "Thank you." I give him a kiss before he kisses my forehead before I go walk to set, but I get distracted and go back to him for more kisses, hugs and giggles. Since we got back from the honeymoon, I swear I've been on a high. I've been so happy.

"That's my husband." I whisper to the camera, smiling, while going to set for real this time.

Every single scene is so beautiful. Dave Meyers is a literal genius.

Im now getting my whole entire body painted with blue, purple, and cream colors, before laying in a literal bath of milky water that's filled with swirly colors. I really feel this will be the most iconic scene from this video, besides Madonna's part because she's a legend.

We filmed the final scene where I'm on the bed and there's guys like swimming in shaving cream.

"That's a wrap!" was called and we all clapped and hugs went around.

"I'm so proud of you, baby." Justin's says to me, kissing my head.

"Thank you." I giggle.

All of a sudden I hear, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear, Jessica, happy birthday to you." as a cake with a 23 candles is rolled out to me.

"Oh my god, stop. Honest to god knock me out, this so sweet, I'm crying. Thank you, guys so much."

We all dig in and have some cake as we now celebrate my birthday.

Afterwards, I go to my dressing room to get changed, but instead, I run to the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet.

"Baby, are you okay?" Justin says running into the bathroom.

"Uh, yeah. I've been feeling kinda nauseous all day."

"Do you think you caught something?"

"I-I dont know..." I got quiet, ending the sentence, realizing something. "I think I'm late."


"For my period."

"You think you could be pregnant?"


"Do you want to stop on the way home & pick up some tests?"

"Yeah, I think we should."

I put my leggings and sweatshirt on with my plain white tennis shoes. I say bye to everyone & Justin and I leave to go home.

We stopped at CVS & we grabbed a couple pregnancy tests. Thank fully no one recognized us with our hoodies and sunglasses.

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