Chapter 54

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Jessica's POV

Sunday, July 9th, 2023

"Another night, another party, sayin hi to everybody. I'm sorry, it's time to leave, I gotta leave now. Got somewhere I got to be now, I'm starving. Can somebody walk me to my car? If I go alone, I'm not gon' make it very far. Im happy for the love & all of the above. If I'm being honest, I done been through way too much. I can't fake another smile, I can't fake like I'm alright. Oohh, aahh. And I won't say, I'm feeling fine, after what I've been though, I can't lie. Oohh, aahh. Fuck a fake smiillee, smiiillee."

The lyrics flow out from my mouth & into the mic.

Last night was such a roller coaster of emotions. I went from being so happy to having a panic attack, just like that. Then went from being okay, to horny as fuck.

I'm so glad that I have Justin. If I didn't have him, I honestly don't know if I'd be here. He makes everything bad, go away. I love him so much. Literally, more than anything. More than anyone will ever know. He's my forever boy.

After my studio session, Justin & I took a walk, with Mia in her stroller, to the little diner down the road for lunch.

A girl walks in, tall, tanned skin, very dark hair, light eyes. She looks like every "baddie" you see on Instagram.

I see Justin looking at her, he can't take his eyes off.

I clear my throat, "Excuse me?"

"What?" he asks.

"I saw you makin eyes with that girl."

"I was admiring her, alright?"

I roll my eyes, "You know better, Justin. I knew what you were thinking."

"Babe, it's not a big deal."

"You're so getting it when we get home."

"Getting what?"


He looks up at me, smirking, making me roll my eyes again. He doesn't know what's coming.

The girl comes up to us, "Oh my god, you're Justin Bieber, right? You're so hot-

"Hi, excuse me? Not trying to be a bitch, but I'm trying to have a nice lunch with my husband, so if you don't mind."

"Um, can I have a picture?" she asks Justin completely ignoring me. Justin is nice & lets her have what she wants.

I roll my eyes, "Are you done?"

"Yeah, why?" Justin asks.

"Let's go, I'm driving."

"Why are you in such a mood today?"

"Don't start with me, boy. You know what you were doing. Thank you, next."

We finished up lunch & went back home.

"Put Mia in her crib to sleep, meet me in the black room in 15 minutes." I say to him. "Do NOT come in early unless you want to be extra punished."

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