Chapter 18

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Jessica's POV

November 28th, 2019. Thanksgiving Day.

I'm so very excited because this is my first time hosting Thanksgiving dinner! I flew my mom, Derek, Nonna, my Dad, and Layla's mom out to California to join us. Layla & her mom have always been just the two of them, and her mom has always been like a second mom to me, so I figured since they don't have any other family, they are more than welcome to join us. Fredo will not be with us, as he is with his own family in Boston. And of course, I didn't forget Pattie.

Justin has a set of 4 ovens? I'm not sure why but it's definitely helpful. I have a tofo turkey in one, a regular turkey in one, then we got some pie crusts, and vegan cupcakes that we'll decorate like turkeys.

"Thank you so much for having us over, Jess. It really means a lot." Mrs. Gomez says.

"Of course! You & Layla are family, I wouldn't have it any other way."

She smiles in response & pulls me into a huge hug. I hear shouting coming from the living room.

"What? Did somebody score?" I ask Justin, sitting on the couch next to him.

"Yeah, the Chargers just scored."

"Is that the team were rooting for?"

"Yes, them and the Dolphins. We're flipping back and forth between games."

Justin & my dad have been bonding and watching football all afternoon together. This morning Justin & I watched the Macy's parade in NYC. It was nice snuggling up to him with some comfy blankets and some hot chocolate.

The ladies in the house & Derek have been in the kitchen cooking all day. I honestly don't mind that they've been glued to the TV, there was enough of us in the kitchen to do everything.


"Cupcakes are done!" I shout excitedly. I get up from the couch and make my way back to the kitchen. I take the cupcakes out of the oven and set them down on the counter for them them cool. Moments later the pie crusts are done and I remove those from the oven as well.

I grab my glass of rosé from the counter and make my way over to Layla, who's making the chocolate pie filling.

"Oh my god, that looks so good." I say to her as she mixes nutella and whip cream together.

"Doesn't it? I made this last year for my mom & I. It's so good."

"I can't wait to try it. The churros your mom made are delicious."

"Right?! She always makes them as a "thank you" gift if she's going someone's house for a party & of course she used non animal products for you."

"That's so sweet of her. I'm glad she came in."

"I am too. She's gonna stay with Fredo & I for a bit. I'm gonna show her around LA & take her to my dance classes."

"That's great, Lay. I'm glad you're doing that."

"Me too. She's so excited to be here & to meet Fredo."

Layla & I continue talking while we finish up all the deserts.

About an hour or so later we were ready to sit down & eat.

"Bless us O' Lord & these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen." we say in unison, following along with Nonna.

We are our wonderful dinner, then moved onto dessert while we watched The Wizard of Oz downstairs on the big screen.

Today was one of the best holidays I've celebrated in awhile. I loved getting to spend quality time with my family.

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