Chapter 37

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Jessica's POV

December 25th, 2020

I'm so glad Justin loved the coupons. I mean, I knew he would. And don't get me wrong, I loved them too. But, it's time to give him his real present.

After our fun in the black room, we went through our stockings together & now we're about to open up each other's gifts. Last night, we celebrated with mine & Justin's family at Scooter's place. Today, it's just the two of us for a little bit til we go to church, then to brunch. Later on were going to the movies & have Chinese take out for dinner.

"Here you go, baby." Justin says smiling, handing me my gifts.

"Aw, honey. You know you don't have to get me stuff."

"Of course, I do. You're about to be my wife, how can I not."

"Well, since you're about to be my husband, I got you some other stuff besides the coupons."


"What? You should have known this was coming."

"Are the rest of the presents that are under the tree for me?"

"Yes, all except the pink wrapped ones, those are Layla's. We're not exchanging til New Years when she's back from Miami."

Justin got up to grab his presents & he came back to the living room and sat back down.

"You go ahead and open one first." he says.

I chose the little blue wrapped one. I already know where this is from.

"Oh my god, Justin, this is beautiful."

I open the box finding a little key pendant necklace from Tiffany's.

"I found it at an antique store that Scooter told me about. They have all kinds of old designer stuff. I think it's perfect because it's like the "key to my heart", cheesy I know." Justin says.

"I love it. Thank you." I give him a kiss. "Okay, now you open one."

"Oh shit, this is awesome, thank you baby." he says, opening up his new Supreme wallet.

"You're welcome, honey."

We continued opening up our gifts. I also got a couple new sweaters, a new Chanel bag, & earrings. I also got Justin some new t-shirts, a pair of jeans, new Vans, & a new Xbox game he's been wanting.

"Okay, I have one more for you. Well, two actually." Justin says.

He hands me a small box and a medium sized one. I opened the medium one to find a new lingerie set, a burgundy lace thong and an all lace matching bustier with bra. The small box contains those balls Justin had used on me before, but instead of two silver ones, there's 4 gold ones.

"I want you to wear this, under that dress you got upstairs you set out for today, and those inside of you." he says.

I clear my throat a little, "Okay. You'll help me put them in, right?"

"Of course. C'mon, we have to go get ready."

" want me to have these in during mass?"

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