2.1 Biting Monster

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I'm cold. My body feels heavy, my limbs numb. I want to go back to sleep, rest for another hour, but hunger keeps me awake, making me feel so nauseous I doubt I'll be able to hold anything solid. Groaning, I roll onto my side, pulling the blanket close so no warmth can accidentally slip out from underneath it. I clench my fingers into a fist, fearing they might freeze to death otherwise.

The smell of food coaxes me into opening my eyes, though lifting my lids seems like an incredibly tiring effort. My stomach growls appreciatively as Sebastiano places a stack waffles drowned in maple syrup in front of me. The sweet smell chases away the nausea and makes my mouth water. Sugar. Plain, simple sugar.

Sighing, I sit up slowly, taking care not to move too quickly, fearing my system might decide to shut down otherwise. Without a care for the sheets, I pick up a waffle, dripping syrup everywhere as I shove the soft pastry into my mouth. Sebastiano narrows his eyes at me, but doesn't complain. I'm pretty sure he'd have to change the sheets anyway, so no reason to be careful. Sudden energy rushes through my body as every cell prepares to take on a load of sugar and I moan in satisfaction.

"Well, I guess all that matters is that you're eating." Sebastiano sighs, sitting down on the edge of the bed as he watches me annihilate the waffles. This is so good. Seriously, if it weren't for that sick vampire bastard, this would be heaven. It's like I get paid for living in luxury. I press my tongue against my palate, savoring the taste of the maple syrup as it gets dissolved by my saliva.

"I want this every morning", I manage to somehow say even though I'm already busy pushing another waffle into my mouth. Again, I moan, my brain rewarding me with endorphins. Sebastiano rolls his eyes at me. I don't care. He was ordered to sleep next to me last night, so I doubt he has anything to say.

He sighs. "Fine. If all you're demanding is sweets, I'm glad."

"What else should I demand?" I ask, eyeing him appraisingly. It's always good to know your options, especially since mine are apparently limited. Thanks to a certain someone. I scowl, licking the syrup from my fingers.

"Uhm, I don't know. Just thought you might act a bit difficult after yesterday", he admits carefully. Ah, he thought I'd throw a tantrum, complaining about the injustice of my situation. Like, crying because I am a human being and I have rights and stuff like that. Yeah. As if. I'm not that stupid. First of all, making a fuss won't change anything. Second, I don't matter. In here, there's nothing like human rights.

So I just shrug, though I glare at my dwindling stack of waffles accusingly. I don't think Sebastiano could cope with me focusing my anger on him – and, apparently, neither can Mr Leandro. Because killing me doesn't count as coping. Neither does almost killing me. Sulking, I nibble away at my next-to-last waffle. I'll have to come up with a really good story to tell my mom, because -obviously- the truth is out of the question.

After I finish my breakfast, I sink back into the pillows, pulling the blanket up to my chin. I feel comfortable and warm and happy.

"The master wants you to accompany him after you've finished eating and showered", Sebastiano tells me urgently. Shit. I neither want to see him, nor leave my bed.

"Tell him I haven't finished eating yet because I feel really sick", I instruct him flatly.

"Even if I were willing to lie to the master, which I am not, it wouldn't work. I'm certain he knows about your current situation."

This sucks. Grumbling, I throw the blanket to the side and get up to take a shower, then brush my teeth. Looking at myself in the mirror, I notice not only how pale I look, but the tiny spots at the base of my neck where he's bitten me. I grit my teeth. That bastard. He's doing it just for fun. I thought this agreement was to provide him with the food necessary to survive. I guess that was naive at best.

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