Boy Meets Devil

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Author's POV:

•Not proofread•

14th Oct

"Kookie..." Jimin trailed off as the couple sat at the table eating their breakfast.

"Yeah sweetheart" Jungkook looked up.

"I want to go to my eomma's house for a few days" Jimin spoke timidly.

His eomma had reminded him yesterday that he's supposed to visit her for few days so that they can escape together.

"Few days? How much do you mean by few days?" Jungkook asked, already disliking the idea of Jimin not being at home when he comes back at night.

"Mm three or four days?" Jimin said unsurely.

"No-" before Jungkook could speak further Jimin interrupted.

"Jungkook please, I miss them" Jimin pleaded.

"Will you let me finish darling?" Jungkook glared, grip tightening on his fork.

"Sorry" Jimin apologized and looked down at his plate.

"Good. So no, you can't stay for that many days. How about just today? Tomorrow morning I'll come pick you up? That's all I can allow since we have only three days till our wedding" Jungkook spoke nonchalantly.

"WHAT?!" Jimin couldn't believe he dared to decide the wedding date without his opinion. But besides, when has Jungkook ever asked him for his opinion on anything.

"Why are you surprised baby? We obviously couldn't just stay engaged now could we? If you think it's way too soon there's nothing I can do for you. Deal with it" Jungkook put his fork down, he lost his appetite.

"Nothing you can do ? What the fuck you mean by that! Of course you can do something because you're the one deciding it in the first place. You didn't even ask me my opinion" Jimin pointed his fork at Jungkook, making him huff in annoyance.

"Sorry sweetheart I didn't ask" Jungkook smiled, "So baby, are you okay with getting married on the 17th?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course not!" Jimin spat, the idea of marrying Jungkook was terrifying him. Yes he's slept with him and he's already living with him as his fiancé but it all seemed okay for Jimin. Being legally tied to this bipolar man was whole another thing.

"Oh too bad you gotta deal with it" Jungkook's smile dropped as he got up to leave for his work.

"Jungkook! Can you not do this please, just give me some time" Jimin got up as well, walking towards him.

"No, we're marrying, it's inevitable. And about going to your eomma's place, it's off" Jungkook grabbed his coat and stormed off.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! Get back here" Jimin screamed and ran behind him.

To anyone on the outside this may have looked like the engaged couple were arguing cutely.

Jimin caught up to Jungkook at the porch as Jungkook was getting in his car to leave but Jimin caught his hand, effectively stopping him.

"I'm okay with getting married but please please let me stay at eomma's for a few days. Please Kookie?" Jimin deadass pouted like a kid asking for extra candy accompanied by the endearment "Kookie" which always manages to skip a beat of the elder's heart.

So when 'Park I'm-way-too-fucking-cute-for-you-to-deny-me Jimin' pouts, you're putty in his hands, ask Jungkook, he knows better than anyone. So all he could do was huff in defeat.

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