Chapter 1. Little Non-Magi

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Wayo's POV

"Tommorow will be your first day at Kanthapat's University for Magic and Crafts, are you sure you aren't nervous Ai'Yo?" My friend asks me for the so nth time.

"Ugh! Yes! I'm not nervous. I'm excited! How many times are you going to worry about it!"

"Baby boy you know I will always worry about you, especially in this kind of environment." He says standing up from my bed and scratching my hair.

I Should probably introduce myself. My name is Wayo Panichiyasawat...well it was Wayo Panichiyasawat, now I go by the name of Yo Suradej. I'm 18 years old as of last month and tomorrow will be my first day of school at Kanthapat's University for Magic and Crafts, one of the greatest magic and wizardry schools in the world and definitely the best in all of Thailand. The person nagging me is my friend and guardian Copper. Copper is 19 and goes to Kanthapat as well only he is one year above me, making him a sophomore. The reason why he is so worried about me is that I, funny enough...Can't use any type of magic.

L-let me explain. A couple thousand years ago, a comet flew close by past earth, leaving trails of comet dust that soon were absorbed by the earth. These particles spread out throughout the world and changed organisms, their DNA-structures changed and somehow all living beings had properties in their bodies that made them able to perform magic. It took about 500 years before the entire population could use magic but there are still some me. But it doesn't bother me too much. I just have to make use of my brain and make up for my lack of magical prowess's. That's how I got into Kanthapat. Despite my lack of magic they acknowledged my knowledge of Magic, Alchemy and Properties of Magical Plants used for Medicine.

My 2 friends Copper and Pong are my close friends and guardians, both of them can use magic and they are crazy strong. Sometimes I get a little jealous but they never make me feel like I am less. Ever since I lost both my parents they have been acting as both my mom and my dad, but don't misunderstand they aren't dating or anything. We just live together the 3 of us in an apartment close to the city and most importantly the university.

Pong and Copper have been friends since childhood, they are from a different part of Thailand and asked their parents if they could move out just so they could study at this school. Their parents agreed but only if they visit at least once a year. I met them about 3 years ago, when Pong was enrolling as a freshman to the university and Copper was still in high school. Just like them, I didn't come from around here. I traveled the country learning about the various types of magics, plants and different animals. Yes, even the animals changed due to the comet. But not in a bad way...kind of. The animals became smarter, changed appearances, new types of birds, fish and mammals were discovered and some were even able to use magic. Some people even build contracts with these animals to use them as their partners. Usually people only make contracts for Summoning Magic with Mythical or more powerful beings but those who are to scared they can't control them or don't have the mana to sustain them just make contracts with smaller animals. It really is a good thing. In history books I read that some animals almost grew extinct or were treated cruelly, now that the animals became smarter and more conscious, they have been living in harmony with the people. Luckily the chicken didn't evolve, I just love eating chicken too much to have it suddenly come back to life and breathe fire at me or something like that. Unfortunately spiders didn't stay the same. In my travels I have encountered some huge ass spiders the size of half my body. I even saw one that was half human, that scared the crap out of me. And when it started talking I even fainted. Turns out arachnids are way nicer than their looks, They guy – Yes the arachnid was a guy – Took care of me and even told me I could always visit him if I wanted to learn something about his kind again. He even had a wife who was again also half human.

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