Chapter 40. A Final Loss

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Wayo's POV

"Yo? Are you okay buddy?"

"Do you think i am okay!? I just found out my parents who abandoned me have been watching me and possibly want to take me back!"

"Sorry...maybe i should give you a bit of space, you're probably stressed out." Ming said and left the room. It wasn't my intention to snap at him but i am having a minor panic attack right now. After P'Gump told me my parents were here today i couldn't take it anymore, i undid Kit's magic and ran away from the others, ignoring their calls for me. I got to the hotel and got in my room. Ming was the only person to enter the room but i barely noticed him when he first came in. I was too distracted with pacing and overthinking.

What were they doing here? Why now? They probably want me back now since i'm competing on international tv and actualy doing well. Those selfish bastards just want another thing to gloat with and i'm not going to be that. I was their son but they wasted our time together. I am not going to deny that i am still feeling hopeful, i dislike my parents and i really want to hate them, i've said that i hate them but i can't cause deep down the only thing i wanted was their love and apreciation. However i know that they will just make my life miserable and if it's not mine they will sure mess with Kit. Oh god, they are going to take me away from P'Pha, i can just tell. Just to spite me they would pull me away from P'Pha since they don't want me to be happy, that's why they want me back now that i am finally happy and satisfied with my life.

I was close to hyperventilation, the stress and panic almost became too much if not for the strong arms and masculine scent surrounding me.

"Calm down love, i am here. They won't do anything to you." P'Pha whispered from behind me as he placed soft kisses on my head. I took a few deep breaths before turning around in his arms. I looked up to look him in the eyes, where he showed me a sad smile. I can't lie to him and tell him i'm fine because he can feel my pain and panic. I push my face against his chest and wrap my arms around him, trying to shield myself away from the world as i let tears fall down. 

"You don't want to see your parents do you?" P'Pha asks as he softly strokes my hair, i just shake my head instead of talking but we don't need to talk for him to understand me.

"If you wish to keep them away i will do everything i can to make your wish come true."

'I don't want to see them, i don't want them to take me away but i don't really want them gone. I just can't...'

'You can't hate them because they are your parents. I understand baby.'

'I wouldn't mind if they just apologized and left, i mean i am still their son so they must feel sorry after seeing me after sending me away all those years right?'

'I'm not sure baby, but we can always hope. If they want to apologize, i will let them but if they so much try to pull you with them i will sock your dad in the face.' P'Pha's words made me chuckle, the atmosphere in the room lighting back up again.

'I don't know if that is so smart, my dad is a pretty influential businessman you know.'

'I doubt he can do anything against the son of two council members, you know the council that has the highest authority in the world?'

'Thank you P'Pha.' I say cheerfully and kiss his chest, not wanting to pull away from this comfortable warmth to kiss his lips. P'Pha chuckled and kissed the top of my head, lulling us back and forth in a calming pace.

'Everything for my little signer.'

'Are the others mad that i ran away from them?'

'They were not mad, they were worried. But everyone understands how you feel Yo and none of us would ever simply hand you over to your parents.'

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