Chapter 12. Signer Sickness?

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Wayo's POV

I fell asleep in P'Pha's room feeling very warm and satisfied, surrounded by his scent and the warmth of his body. I still can't believe that he was my signer. We spend all night talking about the way our mark looks and what their positioning might mean. Phana's explanation was that I have a pure heart that knows how to give love, and his mark was on the other side because his heart is misplaced. Because he already gave his heart me. It sounded so sappy but it was really cute so I just believed it. But I know what his positioning means, he was close...kind of. He is a person who is kind and gentle but is very shielded. He has difficulty with giving his heart away but he will gladly give his life for the ones that do have his heart. That's why his sign is on the same spot your heart should be but on the exact opposite side. Basically it means he is a difficult person...but a loyal difficult person.

P'Pha was excited to take me out on a date today, but I had to disappoint him as I ran past him and threw up basically all my food of this week. I felt horrible. My head started to throb and my body was heating up. Really bad time to get a fever but I should've predicted something bad happening to me, however P'Pha didn't mind. He was actually happier than I thought he would be, sure he was upset I felt bad and he had to postpone our date plans but he got the opportunity to take care of me and nurse me back to health. P'Pha gave me some basic painkillers and bathed me. Yes I let him bathe me but I was still wearing boxers. I didn't want him to see me naked yet, even if he was my soulmate.

He gave me a large hoodie of his to sleep in and tucked me in and kissed my cheek, he wanted to kiss me on the lips but I hoarsely told him not to because I didn't want him sick either. Then he left me for a while getting herbal medicine and maybe some potions or items that could help with my recovery at the Magic Apothecary.

Thus I was in this room alone, in bed, bored to death and unable to fall asleep because my headache doesn't lessen and my body feels like it keeps getting hotter every time I try to move. My phone on the table rings. With a lot of groaning and moaning I pick up the phone.


"Yo. Where are you?"

"Phana's room..."

"Phana? Like as in P'Pha? Did you two have sex already!?"

"Ming, don't shout...m-my head hurts. I'm sick."

"Oh sorry sorry. But that still doesn't explain why you are in his room?"



"P'Pha is my signer. W-we got our marks last night." I groan out, my eyes suddenly feeling heavy.

"Huy! You already found your soulmate! I'm happy for you Ai'Yo!"

"Thank you."

"Do you want me to come over with some medicine?"

"D-don't need to...P'Pha is already getting them...But why did you call."

"Oh right. I want to ask P'Kit out on a date Monday, I have been thinking and It hurt me so much to stay away from your brother. But I wanted to ask you...Do-do you still remember what he likes?"

"Hmm...not much. He used to love that candy and flowers...that's all I remember."

"What candy? What flowers?"

"The chocolate with his name in iii~"

"Yo? Hello? Yo? Did you just fall asleep on me...Fine! Thanks though, even if you can't hear me I'll make it up to you on Monday! I'll even try to get Kit talking to you again! I promise you I will not disappoint! ... Why am I talking to a sleeping person?" And with that he hung up and I was finally in a peaceful slumber, able to forget about the sickness I was feeling, until I woke up screaming it out from the pain.

Signers - A 2Moons Fantasy FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon