Chapter 35. Ugh...People

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Wayo's POV

"Wayo? Wayo Panichiyasawat?!" I watched with wide eyes as the guy pounced on me and tackled me to the floor.

"Seth! Is this really you? I'm not imagining things right?" I ask looking at the boy hugging me to death and rolling us over the floor. He nods happily and hugs me even tighter, my friends and some of the people walking around look at us like we are crazy yet there is one person with a bit of a different mood swarming around them.

"You have 5 seconds to explain who the hell you are or i will let your brain implode." P'Pha said darkly as he grabbed Seth by the back of his collar, effectively making him let go off me.

"P'Pha calm down please, Seth is an old friend of mine." P'Pha lifted Seth up by the collar until he stood on his own feet and afterwards P'Pha helped me get up and didn't hesitate to bring me tightly into his embrace, probably to show Seth that i was his so to say.

"I can see you found your one Yo. I'm so happy for you. I always knew it was going to be a guy," Seth teased me, sticking out his think and spiky tongue.

"Yo who is this snake?" Ming asked as he and P'Forth were now back at our side.

"Oh right. Guys this is Seth! Seth is as you can see a Sethrak." Still can't believe his parents called him Seth when he is a Sethrak, but then again he is from a royal line. "I met Seth almost 4 years ago when i just started traveling. Seth's family is originally from the Saudi-Arabian desert but they came to Thailand for a better education of magic and the outside world. He was just playing outside when i met him, we played together. I stayed with him for a bit and we became good friends."

"People were fast to judge me because there aren't a lot of Sethrak here in Thailand and the people that did want to hang out with me knew about me being royalty or the fact that i am rich. Yo was neither of those people, he saw me as just a boy who he wanted to play with. He made me really happy when we met."

"How old are you Seth?" P'Forth asked him.

"21, i am just a year older than Yo."

"You met when you were teens but you were able to remember Yo in a single second?"

"Yeah, my people have really poor eyesight but our sense of smell lets us remember and recognize each and every smell we have encountered. I never forgot about Yo's smell, he was my first and only friend for a while here in Thailand." Seth admitted, but it is really weird how much Seth has changed over those 4 years. We used to be the same heigth and size but now he is taller than me, bigger than me, his skin looks very smooth and clean compared to the scale like skin he had those years back. Honestly i don't understand why humans avoided him. Sethrax look like normal people the only difference is their skin become covered in scales before they shed their skin every 3-4 months, their eyes are different, their tongue is different and they have 4 retractable fangs behind their normal teeth but aside from that he is like any other person. O yeah and he has a tail, which he is hiding right now as i look at him and try to spot it but fail to do so.

"I still can't believe i get to see you again, wait! give me your phone number, i finally got a phone!"

"Wait so we can talk to each other again?!" He asked and i nodded excitedly. Seth was basically jumping in place and he grabbed my phone the moment i got it out of my pocket to add his number to my phone. He gave me back my phone and saw he saved himself in my contacts as: "Snake friends <3" It made me giggle knowing that it was a joke between us when we were teens.

"But Yo are you here to watch the competition?"

"No, i'm participating."

"SAY WHAT NOW!? YO YOU DON'T HAVE MAGIC. Do you have any idea how dang-" I put my hand on his mouth to stop him from rambling, i know how much Seth can keep on going when he is worried.

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