Chapter 9. Problems Everywhere!

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Phana's POV

"You mean that emo 3rd year student who doesn't have any friends because he always scares them off or pushes them away ever since he killed his best friend, that Pha?" Pong's words kept replaying through my head, yes Pong was also one of the people in my high school when Thanit died, but since I wasn't close to him he just believed what everyone else believed, but then again. It was true. I killed him. He died because of me. I wanted to say something so badly but I didn't trust my voice to not break as I spoke, tears already building in my eyes.

I didn't think Yo would push away his friends who act like his guardians to comfort me and right now that is what I really needed. Nobody can calm me, only Yo and my parents but I don't want to be a bother for them anymore, they already have to go through so much with being council members and the principals of this school, I don't want to give them the extra stress of dealing with a troubled child with a problematic past. They already took me in and take care of me that's more than I could ever ask for.

"P'Pha, what happened. Why are you crying?" Yo asked as he sat me down, I didn't really pay attention that he led me to his room already. Tears were silently falling out of my eyes until I realized why I was crying and the sobbing came right after. I grabbed Yo, making him straddle my lap as I hugged him tightly and sobbed in his food covered clothed chest. He gently patted my back and head, whispering sweet nothings to me as I tried to calm down. It definitely took longer than I expected for me to calm down but being with Yo really helps brighten my mood.

"S-sorry you had to see me like that N'Yo. You must really think I am some pathetic guy." I laugh humorlessly belittling myself.

"P'Pha, of course not. I've only known you for one day but from everything you told me about yourself and what you have shown of yourself shows that you are a strong person. Everybody has his weak moments and crying because of them is okay, it just shows you are human. A human with a heart, feelings and emotions."

"You really think that?" I ask him hopefully, he smiles at me and nods, making me smile as well and I place another kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you Nong Yo. For everything."

"But what did he mean by you killed your best friend?" Yo asked and I stiffened up again but he must've noticed.

"Uhm. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. Sorry...It's probably part of your past. I shouldn't snoop into such personal matters."

"It's okay...I'm sorry I can't tell you right now. I'm too much of a coward to face what has happened but I promise you that I will tell you one day okay...when I'm ready."

"And I'll be there for you to listen, take all the time you need." He says and now Yo is the one rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hands.

"Maybe we should get you cleaned up now."

"I think a shower would do you good as well P'Pha."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I'll head up to my room and get changed. Forget school for today, I'll tell my dads what happened today. They will surely understand."

"Your dads?"

"Yeah, my dads are the principals of the school."


"Yes and I'm also deaf now..."

"Oops. Sorry... The Angels told me that there were rumors about you being their son but I didn't think it would be actually true."

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