Chapter 24. Hidden Power

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Wayo's POV

"Phi, i'm nervous..."

"It's okay to be nervous baby. You're about to have your first Magic battle, you have been a Non-Magi of course you would be nervous."

"I don't want to let down Ming, he waited for me because he wanted to team with me but i think i'll just drag him down." I said somberly, P'Pha turned me around and wrapped his arms around me. He put my face against his chest and rocked us back and forth. P'Pha being here with me was already a big help to calm my nerves but there will be a lot of people watching us and i am scared to embarrass myself, or even worse embarrass Ming. His father is a war hero so of course there would be a lot of people looking at him to see if he is just as great. Not a lot of the students know about his father but i am sure the parents that are here know about him. It makes me wonder...will Mom and Dad be here today? Probably not, they don't know i study here and Kit already participated last year.

"You'll do amazing, just have a little fate in yourself. We have been training for almost a month and you are already so far ahead of the others in your year."

"You really think so?" I rest my chin on his chest and look up at him.

"I know so." He said with that gentle smile of his without a trace of lying. He leaned down and pecked me softly and lovingly, all my worries starting to wash away because of the man holding me in his strong arms. But he is right. I should have some faith in myself, i trained hard with Ming, P'Pha and P'Kit. I can't let them down, so instead of thinking about letting them down i need to show them i won't. I have made a lot of progress, both P'Pha and Ming's magic now feel so natural to me even though i have only been using it for a little less than a month but because i got taught by people with experience (since it's their magic) they were the best teachers. Sure i almost got to a point where i had no mana left in my body - more than once - and my body felt like i was being fine pressed, but the results were definitely achieved. 

P'Pha actually wants me to gain back weight after the tournament because he doesn't like it that 'his baby has abs' which is a confusing reason but okay, if he is really bothered by it i will gain weight. Besides that means i can drink my pink milk whenever i want again.

"Yo, it's time. They're going to announce the brackets." P'Pha said and turned me around again so my back was against his chest, his arms around my neck and his chin using my head as his own headrest. Tall bastard...

'I can hear you, you know you are using my magic right now.'


'You thought you were using Ming's magic didn't you?'


'It's okay shorty. I still love you.'

"Hello Everyone! Today i am your host. The Lovely~ Jae'Ging!" P'Ging introduced himself and used his magic to let fireworks go off and that might be the reason people are applauding, not because of P'Ging but because of the fireworks.

"So the tournament is going to start in an hour, you will now hear the brackets you're in and your opponents for the first round. There will be a total of 4 rounds and there will be a special suprise for the winners as well as being able to participate in the Grand Magix Rumble with participants all over the world!" People started cheering again, actually excited for once. 

"Everyone knows the standard rules right? If you don't arrive to your match on time, your team is disqualified. If you get pummeled out of the stage which is highely unlikely since the stage is the whole arena but it still happens sometimes, you're out..If you kill your opponent or put them...disqualified and you might get suspended, however if you put them in critical state it's fine, we have a doctor for that. You win when your opponents are unable to continue fighting, surrender or are rendered unable to perform a single action. Any more questions?"

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