Chapter 60. Ending a Chapter, Starting our Lives

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Phana's POV

"P'Pha! How long until dinner!" My fiancé shouted from the shower as i was busy cooking our dinner.

"It's almost done! Dry your hair well baby so you don't get sick and come eat!" I shout back. Yes we can communicate through our minds but sometimes hearing his actual voice when it is just the two of us was nice. As i plate the food i let out a content sigh thinking back about what has happened until now.

Summer break was almost over already, which meant that the new school year as well as my final school year was going to start soon. Did I enjoy my summer break? For the most part. Yo and I were doing fine after the school got attacked however after we had sex that night he needed some time for himself, which I respected, but that didn't stop me from constantly bugging him. I've given him more space however I got a little more protective over Yo after him getting kidnapped twice, despite my own reasoning I could also understand how he felt me being overbearing. Which resulted in me being shouted at and being sulky for the following three days.

Yo apologized to me, I apologized to him and we talked it out. As I expected my confession for Thanit was still bothering him so I had to reassure my baby that whatever was going to happen we would do it together and nothing would come in between us, not even if we got a 4th signer. I am pretty sad that my first love and first friend is now no longer here but it is probably for the better. I think most of the words I spoke to him that day were coming purely from all the emotions I felt at that time from seeing your first love after 15 years after you thought they were dead, but they weren't exactly lies either. Yo and I had a private burial for Thanit. I told him he didn't have to be there since they weren't really on good any person would be with their kidnapper. Still, Yo being the angel that he is, wanted to stay for the burial to support me. I was able to tell Thanit everything I wanted to tell him but wasn't able to do for the last 15 years and I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. Uriel told Yo and I about the void in our hearts we would feel from our other Signer not being here anymore and it is definitely there, but as long as Yo is near me or I know where he is It is barely noticeable. Yo told me it is the same for him however it feels slightly different for him. For me the feeling is a slight emptiness, for Yo the feeling is like forgetting something, so Yo notices Thanit being gone less than me but that could most likely also be because of the past Thanit and I had.

Apart from those things not a lot has happened. Yo and I hadn't had sex for about two weeks because the atmosphere didn't feel right but soon after the funeral the atmosphere was lifted and I kept Yo in bed for the weekend to make up for our lost time, unromantic I know but when we weren't busy I didn't allow him to lift even a finger and coddled him to his heart's desire. I took him out on a few dates afterwards, the 8 of us (Yo, Kit, Ming, Forth, Beam, Pong, Copper and I) traveled together to Ming and Forth's home. The village they grew up in. It was a beautiful village surrounded by mountains and nature, walking there however was torturous. Beam and Forth couldn't teleport all of us with their subspace since they didn't have the capacity for that so those bastards made us walk with Ming as our guide whilst they instantly teleported. I couldn't teleport Yo and I or ask dad to do it for us since none of us have been there before! Just remembering that walk is making me sweat again. 'I'm pretty sure Yo didn't mind me being sweaty and shirtless but then again, it's not something he doesn't see every day'. I chuckle to myself.

Yo and I had to leave a few days before the others did because I promised Pa and Dad to go on a trip, the four of us traveled to China, Korea and Japan for a few days which was nice and relaxing. It really felt like a family vacation where my mood wasn't constantly sour like it was in the past. My little baby really changed me over the course of a year to the point where I can finally live a normal and happy life with him and my family. How do I know it will be normal? Because every single member of that research cult organization got caught and executed by the council. The one guy that worked for Thanit (The one I didn't kill), spilled everything about the organization, together with the information from Kit he managed to acquire from his parents, The council was quick to completely wipe out every single member.

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