Chapter 4. No more hiding

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Phana's POV

I was on my way back to dorms after having a talk with my dads until I heard a voice so angelic it pulled me towards it. Upon seeing the face that matched the voice my heart stopped beating for a second. There were 3 guys asking question to the short guy holding a box, the other 2 guys I already know Ai'Pong and N'Copper. A 3rd and 2nd year student at the university. But the shorty next to them just had something to him. Seeing him laugh made me want to laugh. Seeing him smile made me smile. It was like I shared some deep unknown connection to him.

"Okay, Young Master!" I heard both Pong and Copper say and saw them bowing to the short guy. He was trying to be angry but they already fled, he is so cute...I've never really tried the whole dating or asking out thing, so I am kind of confused as to what I need to do or how I need to act, but if I stay quiet like I usually do, I will probably never see him again.

"Didn't need your servants rich kid?" I hope that didn't come off as too unfriendly...

"Are you talking to me?" He asked.

"I don't see anybody else here?" Shit! That sounded rude. Maybe I can convince him I was teasing him and not insulting him.

"What is it to you?"

"Auw, Shorty what is your problem? I'm your Senior you know." I continued teasing him.

"Shorty? I'm 178cm how is that short?" He was right 178 wasn't short but when you compare it to my 191 it's pretty short. I can literally put my head on top of his head and use it as a headrest. I so want to do that right now but he might think I'm weird.

"You're still shorter than me. So Shorty still fits you." I walked closer and became enchanted by his gentle and soft features. Soft, pale skin. Beautiful and bright eyes. Long, dark eyelashes. That small and cute cherry mouth which gave me some not so pure thoughts for the first time in my life. "And now that I look at you from up close, you're pretty cute as well."

"C-cu-cute? What?" He stared at me like I just told him my biggest secret and his skin was starting to heat up, I could see the red tips of his ears and the pink blush over his cheeks. Now he probably knows I am teasing him, but hopefully he also sees I am not lying about the fact he is cute.

"I'm not cute! I'm a guy, I'm handsome..." He was sulking. He looked so adorable with that pout and those puffy cheeks.

"Really? Short, fair skin, small mouth, stutters when intimidated and you haven't used your magic yet to either escape or hurt me, so I would say you like me as well. I would call that..." I held his chin with my thumb and index finger and smirked at him. But I was still shaking. I was nervous but I had to act smooth or he might make fun of me. I never really initiated this much into a conversation let alone flirting. "Cute."

"Let go, or I'll punch you." He furrowed his brows and tried to look intimidating. Keyword 'tried'.

"Then punch me." I taunted him by pushing my chin closer to him and pointing to it, telling him where to hit me..

"I don't want to, get out of my way." He pushed me away and walked off towards the dorms.

"Cutie! Tell me your name!" I shouted just as he was entering the dorms.

"Why do I need to tell you my name? You're crazy!" Yeah, I'm crazy...Crazy about you.

"My name is Phana! I hope to see you again soon little one!" And with that I used my magic on his to think I disappeared when in reality I just walked past him. I don't want him to know we live in the same dorm yet, I want to surprise him later on. I close the door and fall on my bed with a happy sigh.

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