Chapter 26. Hot Nurse

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Wayo's POV

The next round was over, the fight was amazing but they were easily predictable, if any of them would be our opponent in the 3rd round (if they beat Jay and Zee that is), it would be easy for me to come up with a strategy with Ming to take them down. The twins were fast to finish their match, they bubbled their opponents and they were out because they were unable to move or cast spells. However Nate & Red were still going strong in their match. 

I would think that two Air Magic users wouldn't make for a lot of diversity for the match but it certainly did. They had the same kind of Magic but their ways of fighting and using their magic were so different yet worked so beautifully well together. To start off the match, Red changed the air current of the whole arena, causing a tailwind for her and Nate whilst causing a headwind for the opponents, one of their opponents was a Rock Magic User and he was rendered useless at the beginning of the match already. Nate and Red were floating in the air and his attacks would never reach or they would crumble, however his partner was very strong and skilled and could be a danger to Nate and Red's victory. He was a Plasma Magic user. If he was able to hit one of them with his spells the plasma would get stuck on them and mess with their gravity. Red got hit a few times but she is still up and going. 

In a single strike the match ended. Nate used a spell that caused her opponent to get trapped in a sphere of wind that defelected his attack and caused him to immobilize himself. They were deemed the victors and everyone in our group made it to the second round! We were all so excited to go on and have a chance to fight eachother in the finals or semi-finals and i learned a lot from their battles. Especially now that i have seen Mon's and Fatty's ace ability, i already know how to counter it with Ming. I wanted to discuss it with him during the match of the twins but he was too busy texting, who? I don't know. All i know is that my brother and him barely looked at the game but more at their phones. 

We got a half hour break before the second rounds started and Ming and I were the first ones to fight with none other than Montry and Elephant.

"I can't believe we all made it!"

"Girl calm down, it's only the first round not the finals."

"True but still, Ai'Mon i never expected you to be able to fight like that."

"What can i say? I don't like breaking a nail but i love the spotlight."

"Don't get too attached to your spotlight Mon, Cause me and Yo are going to steal it away from you."

"Did you guys get your wounds treated by the way?"

"Yeah, there was such a hottie in the nurse's office. Yo you had to see him, he told us he was taken but you could probably sway him. Apparently he is even a student here."

"Nong Mon, you really need to stop trying to corrupt my sweet Yo." P'Pha walked back with P'Forth and P'Beam? right behind him. P'Pha hung his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head.

"Still nervous baby?"


"Ah. Here, maybe this will help you." P'Pha held out his hand and i saw the cup of pink milk he was holding. I grabbed the cup from him and wasted no time gulping it down. Oh how i've missed this sickly sweet taste.

"Not even a thank you?"

'Thank you!' I was too busy drinking to speak so i used our link instead.

"Why did you get such a cutey Phana, i'm envious." P'Forth commented and i turned away to hide my blush. He ruffled my hair but P'Pha slapped his hand away and hissed at him.

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