Chapter 10. My first week and my first date

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Wayo's POV

My first week of school finally passed and I have to say things were starting to look better, but also a bit stranger...So people are still being assholes, they like to push me around and spread rumors about me, the weirdest one was that i wet the bed because I have nightmares about me being a non-magi forever. Yes I dislike not being a Magi but not so much that I will have dreams about being it forever, and even if I was a Non-Magi forever, I was born like this so I'm so I can live with it. I promised myself to make something out of myself and I am keeping that promise, magic or not.

However the weird looks become less and less as time went by, sure people didn't like me still but they didn't immediately show it, especially if P'Phana was around me. Because of the last...incident. People are scared to death by P'Pha, not only because of his magic that was made to harm people but also because how deathly possessive he is of me. Give me a nasty look when P'Pha sees it, he will glare at you until you just want to disappear and disappear from the public. He holds that power somehow, and that ain't magic. That is straight up alpha male dominance. Someone tried to trip me again, funny enough it was the same guy that tripped me the first time. But apparently he didn't heed to the warning P'Pha gave the other guy because he did it while P'Pha was just a meter behind the guy. I fell but before hitting the ground, P'Pha caught me like a white knight saving a damsel...yes I am okay with being the girl in this situation. The guy immediately feared for his life when P'Pha was basically growling at him like a wolf – I still think he got raised together with Nue as a wolf – And let's just say...Phana broke the guys leg...I'm not one for supporting violence but I'd rather not get P'Pha angry for defending another guy. He will try to bite me...literally. I bumped into a classmate once, the guy actually also apologized in a civil manner but P'Pha was going to rip his arm off if I didn't stop him. He took me back to his dorm and cuddled with me in bed. I was okay with all of that since I didn't miss any classes but then he suddenly bit my fucking neck! Leaving me with teeth mark for the next 3 days. My friends immediately thought that P'Pha was some sort of werewolf mutation that turned human and had just mated with me whatever that is, something with putting his dick in me. But where would he put it...oh...

It's very true that Phana is a bit of a weird senior but I really like him. Those feelings I felt for him on the first day of meeting him only enhancing. We get along really well and I always like to spend time with him. He previously also didn't like to sit with people during lunch so now he sits with me and the gang. The angels are head over heels about Phana and he talks to them nicely as well, knowing that they're my friends and look out for me. But outside of out group, Pha smiles at no one. He tells me he knows how they think of him and he doesn't want to risk getting closer to any of them just to be hurt or used later on. I feel sorry for P'Pha, his past really bothers him and it hurts me that I can't help him with it asides from being by his side now. But even if he was okay, I would still stay by his side, we stick together. We keep our promise to eachother, because I will never betray someone I might be to early to say that but those are the feelings deep in my heart, the feelings I will surely say out loud to him once I have the courage.

But that isn't the weirdest thing this week...

The weirdest thing this week is Ming. He has been so down lately, I don't know what happened to him. We still talk, he still goes to class and he does smile but I can always see him drag sadness with him. He said that he felt rejected by a senior that he really liked so at first I thought maybe he is just a little heartbroken, he will surely get over it, right? No, I think this senior actually meant something to him, something important. I would think he found his Signer but I have never heard of falling into depression after getting rejected by your Signer. Or maybe it's just Ming's personality. He might act like a buffalo that likes to joke around and pull pranks, but he has a kind and gentle heart that is so good yet so fragile. I want to help him...I really do, but how am I going to face my brother and the first thing we talk about will be the person who crushes on him instead of talking about us and our lives after we split up. Even P'Forth who usually doesn't want to spent time with Ming came to hang out with us trying to cheer up his cousin, but that also didn't get our old Ming back.

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