Chapter 28. Sign of the Nurse

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Wayo's POV

When i returned to the stands, i got a lot of suprised looks and claps on the shoulder. However i could already tell a few were thinking that i lied about being a Non-Magi so my opponents would go easy on me, which they didn't since my opponents were my friends that i've told about my magic. When i got to my friends, P'Pha immediately pulled me against him and held me in a bone breaking embrace.

"You did so good baby!"

"T-thank you P'Pha b-but you're suffocating me..." I managed to mumble out, he quickly loosened his grip on me and gave me an apologetic smile. I only laughed it off and gave him a small peck.

"Ai Nong, that was amazing!"

"I only expected this from my little brother."

"Aren't i technically your son?"

"If you want to call me daddy i'm fine with that but don't think i am going to give you allowance." Pong joked but Phana didn't think it was so funny as he used his magic again.

'Never call him that. Never.' I looked back at P'Pha who had quite a lot of anger shown on his face, it softened when he looked back at me and i adjusted myself so i could use his magic again.

'P'Pha calm down. i have my Signer and i won't do anything to hurt them okay? It was just a joke. Or are you perhaps jealous?' I teased with a chuckle but P'Pha wasn't laughing.

'Yes.' I was slightly shocked from his honesty but then again P'Pha has always been the more honest and sensitive type when it comes to me, so i really should've expected this.

'P'Pha don't you trust me? Do you really need to be jealous of my brother?'

'I do trust you! I just don't trust anyone else...I can see how they look at you, you might think you only have bullies but i can see so many boys who look at you with lustful eyes. So i'm just scared you might fall for one of those guys one day and leave me...' Pha hid his face in my neck again and whimpered, something i noticed he does a lot when he is scared, afraid, nervous, angry or feeling extra protective. It's adorable really but it breaks my heart to know that he does it because of his insecurities. I believe it really has to do with him being hurt in the past and i want him to talk to me about it but i won't push him to tell me. It took me a few months. maybe even a full year to accept the fact that my parents didn't want me and kicked me out, it hurt but i think that the time alone after, exploring the world, helped me clear my head. So not thinking about it might be the better solution if he is still not coming to terms with it.

'I'll never leave you. You're stuck with me for life!' I said jokingly and he did cheer up, i could feel the vibrations of his laughter and i scratched his head like you usually do with a dog. He leaned a bit more forward so he could look at me and stole a quick peck before sitting up straight again with me on his lap.

"Pssst, N'Yo. Did Phana just whine like a dog?" Kit asked and i nodded, Phana was looking at the match that was now going on so he didn't hear Kit's question luckily.

"Yeah, he did. I told you P'Kit. He's an idiot." But he is a cute idiot.

"If i didn't see it with my own eyes i would never believe that Phana Kongthanin could act so 'cute', it's really terrifying honestly."

"Why do people see him as scary? He doesn't do anything to hurt anyone?"

"It's just the reputation that most Darkness Element Magic Users have. But Phana especially, he is very secluded and quiet, his glares are sharp and he is handsome as hell. Girls found it attractive but Guys found it a bit scary, i was one of those guys."

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