Chapter 15. Conduit

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Wayo's POV

"What do you mean you got disowned? How can you say it with such ease?"

"Because my life became so much better because of it."

"Please explain this to me."

"Sure, but uhm...Pong, Copper. You two already know the story so could you maybe leave me alone with P'Pha?"

"Sure Yo. But you have forgiven us right?"

"Mhm. But next time just take my word instead of doubting me. I might be younger but I'm not an idiot."

"Got it. Sorry little bro."

"Sorry Nong and Sorry P'Pha once again" Copper bowed to me and then left with his brother. Leaving me very confused with Pha.

"Okay so! Me and Kit are brothers by birth. He was born 1 year before me. They were both really proud of Kit. You see we came from a rich family so they did everything they could to show off and show they are better than everyone else. So basically they were really proud of Kit because he was able to use magic at a very young age. At the age of 10 he already had the largest mana pool in our village and was already very skilled and meticulous in his magic creations."

"Really? 10? Most kids only learn how to control their magic a little at 12 or something."

"I know, but anyways. My parents also had very high expectations for me growing up but when I turned 12 I was still not showing any signs of using magic. My parents disregarded it and laughed it off saying I would make them proud someday. But they never looked at me, only at Kit. Only scolding me and always praising Kit. But I never resented Kit. Kit would take me out and show me the outside world, he made things for my birthday when my parents didn't care less, he tried to teach me magic stuff and even helped me make my first potion. Kit was the greatest brother I could wish for and the best friend I had all my life. However people started talking about 'the boy that doesn't know magic.' And my parents caught word of it, so they took me to the doctor. He confirmed that I was unable to use magic."


"It's okay P'Pha. I'm already over it. Plus, I trust you. You won't hurt me knowing these things."

"My parents were outraged, they tried to bribe the doctor to perform some type of magic or surgery so I wouldn't be a disappointment to them. This is why I could never hate Kit, they didn't even truly care about Kit just the reputation Kit brought with them. As long as they got something out of it, Kit got something out of it. But the only thing I could give them was ridicule, disappointment and laughter. Because of me, my family became a laughing stock. So they did what every rich parent that only cares about themselves do, they kicked me to the curb. Kit tried to save me and take me back but they would just hurt Kit with their magic, I pleaded for Kit to stop and to let me go. And that is how I left home."

"Yo, that is horrible...Your parents are horrible people. Give me their names...I'll make them suffer..." He actually made me laugh, despite him being dead serious I laughed. He looked at me like I was crazy, I just hugged him close to me and rested my face against his chest.

"It's okay P'Pha. If they were to get hurt. Kit would probably have to stop going to school here and would have to take over my dad's business. At such a young age Kit will never be able to live his own life.."

"Fuck. You really are too kind for your own good."

"It's not that I care about them. I care about Kit. He helped me all those years, it's only a little that I can do." This talk actually helped me free my mind a bit. Me and Kit should really talk things out. He is still my big brother, he always tried to protect and help me and I never properly thanked him for everything he did.

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