Chapter 46. The story repeats itself

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Wayo's POV

"This day was way too hectic for my liking." I sigh jumping on my bed.

"Agreed." P'Pha jumped on the bed next to me. We both released a heavy sigh. "You are really okay with what my dad did to yours?" P'Pha asked after a moment of silence.

"Mostly yeah."


"Mhm. There is still a miniscule part of me that is sad to lose my parents and another part is worried about how P'Kit is dealing with this."

"He'll be fine love, he has Ming with him."

"True i guess. Don't know if that should calm me or worry me even more though." I admitted making P'Pha chuckle and pull me against his body. I looked up to stare into his eyes, after the initial shock i came to the realization that his new eyecolor is absolutely stunning.

"I'm glad you like it baby." He smirked and i gave him a pointed look, probably not looking threatening in the least.

"Hey! Don't read my mind without permission."

"Did i ever need it?" He countered and all i could do in reply was sputter until he shut me up by kissing me deeply.

"I love you Yo."

"Love you too, both of you."

"Both?" He elevated an eyebrow with a chuckle.

"Yeah, since you and Chaos are now basically one person i should love him as well right?"

"I doubt that it's possble to love a deity the same way you love your signer but i'll ask him." He said before he looked away for a second.

"He called you cute." P'Pha chuckled.

"I'm not cute, i am handsome!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night baby." He kissed my cheek and sat up straight. ""


"A lot of things have happened since we met and i feel bad that i haven't done this already while i should have but i was just nervous how you would react."

"What is it Phi?"

"Yo, would you like to go on a date...with me?" He asked grabbing my hands in his, rubbing circles on the top of my hands. A giant smile broke out on my face and i nodded excitedly.

"I would like that."

"Great! How would you feel about this Sunday?"

"Sure thing." I replied making him smile and take my lips for a kiss once more.

"It's been a while since i've been able to spoil you."

"P'Pha you know you don't need to do that. Just spending time with you is enough."

"I know, but i want to." He said and i stopped arguing, justing laying there still smiling.

"How does it feel now, that you can talk to Chaos?"

"It feels really good, it's like a parent that is always with me. And i mean being able to use my powers without limiting myself is a plus i guess." He smiled, as i looked at him i got distracted again by his eyes. I just hope the others at school wont fall for Pha even more now.

"No need to worry about that baby. I don't care about those people, only for you."

"Didn't i tell you to stop reading my mind witho-" I got interupted by Phana's phone going off. He frowned as he stared at it being picking up.

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