Chapter 55. Crisis

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Phana's POV

Today was the last day of the schoolyear, the graduation day. Forth and I are finally going into our final senior years whilst Ming and Yo become sophomores. My baby has been working real hard all year. Just like he aced the entrance exam, the other exams were too easy for him. He got one of the if the not the best grades of all the first years, if he isn't in first place it could only be because he wasn't taking part of magical and combat classes for the first 2-3 months.

Despite there not being an actual ceremony for those who are not graduating our group still went ahead to go to Park, Suthee & Ging's graduation. Ging gave his position to the fairy angel gang, so from now on the new freshman will have a very...interesting introduction day. I didn't get to close to any of those graduating, but my fiancé definitely did. Park and Yo are both geeks so they got along just fine from the start. Whilst those two were busy doing their thing, Suthee helped me along with my healing magic and some medicine recipes. Getting help from a nurse/healer is way better than looking things up on the internet on my own.

My secondary magic isn't that strong however because of Chaos and Yo and I solidifying the bond a while ago i can do a lot of good with it. The most i can do with it is restart someones heartbeat. Some extreme CPR, however if their situation is too dire or they give up as well i can't help them. I also can't cure illnesses and diseases, Suthee told me that it was normal since it is almost impossible for him to do things like that.

Park and Suthee both got a job offering from my dad, being the actual school doctor and apothecary with a paycheck as well as attend official events held by the council, which i am grateful for. My little Yo will be happy he can still geek out with Ai'Park. 

I haven't been training Yo anymore since he already uses his magic on almost the same level as i do. He even beat Forth in battle, of course being the supportive boyfriend that i am, i made fun of Forth for the rest of the week after that. I don't want Yo to lose those adorable chubby cheeks either so i'm letting him eat whatever his heart desires, out of his own accord though he joins me on runs and the gym occasionally which makes my heart skip a beat and boosts up my motivation during my workouts. Even if he is doing his own thing i can always feel his eyes on me and it makes me feel like he is rooting for me...and little me definitely gets excited from that.

Yo has gained some massive popularity over the course of the last half year and i am happy that he doesn't get harassed or bullied anymore HOWEVER i do not appreciate them giving gifts to Yo or asking him out. Do they not see that ring!? It means he is mine! Yo is loyal enough to his Signer to instantly yet kindly reject their offers and gifts, however i'm not as kind as Yo to those people. Let's just say that i finally found a use for my magic.

I look around me after i snapped myself out of my thoughts to see Yo frowning at me.

"Baby? Why are you glaring like that?"

'YOU USED YOUR MAGIC ON THOSE PEOPLE?!' Oh fuck. I forgot Yo can read my thoughts as well, usually it's just me doing it.

'Yes...but please Yo understand, if i let them be they might come back to you for another chance.'

'Even if they do, you shouldn't eve-wait...what exactly did you do?' He asks me suspiciously.

'Nothing too bad...' i mumbled looking down at my hands in my lap.

'You screwed up Phana.'

'Shut up Chaos! You enjoyed it just as much!'

'I really did, but then again i am the God of the Underworld. Let me live up to my name sometimes.'

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