Chapter 37. We can't win this...

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Wayo's POV

I was fidgeting with my hands, not being able to figure out what just happened or how the fight ended so quickly is messing with my mind. I can't think of any plans or strategy like this. Ming was getting tired of my pacing back and forth so he grabbed me by my arm and set me down on the couch next to him.

"Yo, relax!"

"How can i relax! I don't know what happened?! How can we win when we don't know what is going to happen!"

"Yo..." Ming stared at me boredly. "We are going into the next match without knowing our opponents' powers, we can do it. So what if we don't have a strategy, we will make it up in the heat of the moment. You have trained so hard for this and i know that with a little confidence you can do it and get us both to that title. I'm counting on you Yo." Ming was right, knowing our opponent's powers will help us greatly but in the real world you never really know what to expect, all you can do is be prepared to face it. Ming is counting on me and i can't let him down.

"You're right, thank you." I gave him a small smile which he returned and gave me a hug. Allex and Seth walked in on us at that moment and looked slightly confused.

"Uhm...Yo, he isn't your Signer right?"

"No? Why?"

"You two actually looked really cute together." He said smiling but it made both Ming and I fake puke. Don't get me wrong, Ming is a great guy and he is quite handsome but after spending so much time with him i came to the conclusion that spending too much time with Ming would drive me insane, sometimes i already want to punch him in the head but i can't because 1. he is still stronger than me and can easily stop me or take revenge. 2. He keeps talking about my brother and how in love he is, i get it but when he talks about how he wants to do sexual things with my brother i get really uncomfortable, that was a time where i wished P'Pha never thought me about sex, then again i am not much better. I am around P'Pha every single moment and when he isn't with me i either speak to him mentally or talk about him as well but nothing sexual like Ming, despite the angels wanting inside info on it.

"Just a joke. I can see you are close friends already." Seth said and patted my hair, sitting down next to Allex on the other couch, Allex was back to being fast asleep. Something else Seth told me, the boy named Allex is either always bored or sleepy and sleeps when he gets the opportunity but he is very fun and fanatic when he is in his own comfortable enviroment.

Seth, Ming and I spend a couple of minute talking. Seth actualy told us that the sandstorm veil was because Allex can't fight at his best when he feels that others are looking at him, it makes him feel insecure. Ming and I released 'Oh's when he told us and i understood where he came from, seeing so many eyes on you can make you feel very unnerved.

"Yo, Ming, you guys can enter the stage now." August came to get us, we waved Seth a goodbye and left for the entrance to the stage. I took a final deep breath and stepped forward knowing that i need to support Ming and make sure the council will know our names. 

"Goodluck boys." August cheered for us and we showed him a thumbs up before running towards the light of the arena. The crowd was loud and cheerful, i thought that i would feel even more nervous or scared standing here now in front of all these people but it actually got me pretty excited.

We walked towards the center of the stadium, meeting with our opponents. We gave a wai and they bowed to us and we introduced ourself in a friendly matter first. Jihan was the smaller of the two, he was even shorter than me and looked way younger than me but was in fact a year older than me. Jihan was honestly so adorable...on the other hand, Xiao Gu was the big guy, and when i say big i mean BIG. I couldn't really tell before but now that i was right in front of him i saw the difference in our size. He probably came up to 1.95 meters, even taller than P'Pha and bigger as well, wide shoulders and big arms. Despite wearing thicker clothing you could still see the muscles underneath it. His sharp eyes and defined facial features made me a bit nervous despite him being very friendly and speaking so fondly of his partner. I thought they might've been signers but neither of them had a visible mark on them and they didn't introduce themselves as Signers but just as boyfriends, yes they are dating. Big suprise, most of the people that are in a team together are dating. I think Ming and I are the only ones who aren't.

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