Chapter 59. Accepting our fate

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Wayo's POV

My heart was aching at the scene happening in front of me. My signer and fiancé just confessed his love for another man. Of course, i already knew those feelings stayed with him even after his supposed death but it was difficult to accept it nonetheless, however i also felt a certain sadness about being the one to do this to him.

'Don't worry too much Wayo, this was all meant to happen.' The voice that i now know as Uriel spoke again with a certain sadness.

'What do you mean?'

'Phana meeting Thanit, Phana meeting you and all three of you coming together in the moment of Thanit's death. All of that was set in the stars even before you were born.'

'Wait but what is going to happen now? Am i still his signer? Is Phana going to die when Thanit does? What will happen to me?' I spoke and my tears were openly flowing.

'I'm sorry you have to go through all of this Yo...'

'But why? How is it even possible for P'Pha to have 2 Signers? Isn't there only supposed to be 2 halves?'

'3 Broken children, born to connect the three realms together. However a cruel fate brought the destruction of his mind he could not handle...'

'What does any of that mean!?' I shout at her confused, angry and sad.

'The three of you are a special case. Yo you are the connection between the three realms, while Phana represents the realm of the Dead and Thanit represents the realm of the Living. Without you, they would have never truly found each other but without Thanit, Phana wouldn't have found you. The both of you are an essential part in Phana's past, present and future. But not only Phana, Yo...Thanit was meant to be your signer as well.'

'What....' I froze and mumbled. I lifted the collar of my shirt to look at my sign and noticed a small change with a slight stinging sensation when Uriel's words set in. Two small flowers were now attached to the sun.

'Since you and Thanit didn't meet in stable conditions you couldn't make a signer connection. Once again...this is exactly how fate set things out.'

'But, then what is going to happen now?'

'The representative of the Living is now dead and will be reborn in the next generation, until then both you and Phana need to protect the realm. However right now there is an era of peace with Phana being Chaos's host and you being mine. Phana won't die, you won't either. However Yo despite the pain you might be feeling, you need to be there for Phana or he won't make it.'

'Of course i am going to be there for him! But i can't help thinking...Will our relationship really be okay.'

'It will. I have faith in the two of you. Phana needed this to close the chapter of his past and properly live in the present and go into the future with you matter how cruel it might sound, the death of Thanit was set so that Phana could move on.'

'This is all too much to take in.'

'I understand that, but you need to stay strong little prince and have trust in me and your Signer. Because only your love will be able to fill the hole that Thanit's death will leave behind. You might not feel it but he was meant to be your signer so in time you might feel a small part of you missing occasionally.'

I simply nodded and wiped my tears but as P'Pha began to wail and scream my head started pounding and i fell to my knees sobbing as well. I was able to hear his thoughts and feel his emotions again and the flurry of different feelings made me feel sick. I didn't even notice P'Kit calling my name. The sting of hurt i felt with his confession for Thanit is nothing in comparison to what P'Pha is feeling right now, i need to be there for him, crying or not i need to be strong so he can lean on me.

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