Chapter 48. Everyone together

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Beam's POV

"Fuck! Ai'Kit what am i going to do?!"

"Beam, you are overreacting. Forth is nice, you gave him the yes on courting you already."

"I didn't give him the okay to fuck me in the ass!" I shouted at Kit who released an annoyed sigh and leaned back to lay with his head on N'Ming's lap.

"And why is he here?!" I say pointing to Ming.

"I told you Beam, i promised N'Ming to spend the day with him since the both of us don't have any classes and i am not cancelling that because you can't accept the fact that Forth took you in the ass. Besides, i already expected this to happen."

"So did i." Ming agreed combing through Kit's hair with his fingers. If this was a month or 2 ago i would have been jealous to no end but i guess i really did move on from Kit.

"Wait, excuse me!?"

"Beam, look how dramatic you're acting right now. Plus you are always so flirtatious. It was obvious you would have sex while drunk and with Forth next to you, you just radiate bottom energy."

"Though i think my cousin won't mind bottoming, he would do worse things for his love."

"How do you know?" I asked him, slightly interested.

"When he was 9 he wanted to get both arms and his neck tattooed because uncle really liked tattoo's." He said chuckling, Kit joining in and my expression softening at the words of Forth's adorable actions...wait not now. Midlife crisis comes first.

"Have you two, already?" I asked and Ming shook his head.

"We only got our marks and became official yesterday. I don't want to pressure P'Kit into moving too fast. We will know when the time is right."

"Hoo, didn't know you could be this thoughtful." Kit teased him.

"Auw, i'm always thoughtful P'Kitkat."

"Kit is that really how that bastard calls you?"

"I should've never told you this." Kit mumbled under his breath and now both Ming and I were teasing Kit until he ran to the bathroom with a red face.

"Are you really that ashamed P'Beam?" Ming asked me, he looked serious and a tad bit sad or upset, the humor from moments ago was gone.

"I mean, i might...i don't really know."

"Does it feel that wrong to you?"

"I guess it doesn't feel wrong excactly..."

"Then what is the issue with accepting my cousin?" I sighed and sat on the bed next to him.

"I just...i don't know how to feel, what to expect, what to do. This all came to me too sudden and i'm not familiar with this." I finally confessed instead of my usual angry rants.

"I know what you mean Phi, but you really are overreacting. Sure one night you are just having drinks with your friends and your love interest and the next thing you know you find out he is your signer and you have already done the solidification, but it only proves to you that it really is love isn't it."

"Yeah...i think?"

"Sure, saying you found and did your signer in a private room of a bar isn't the most romantic thing but you found him and isn't that what is important?"

"The thing is that i have no idea how to feel about signers...Everyone learns from a young age that they are special and it's when you feel most complete, and sure i feel complete with Forth even before i got my mark but he can get tired of me or annoyed by me and leave me just as easily."

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