Chapter 33. A day at the mall

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Wayo's POV

"I AM GOING TO DIE!" I shouted as i was currently on my 83rd push up.

"I won't let that happen so stop whining and start pushing!" P'Pha commanded in a stern tone like that of a drill sargeant, a tone i have started to hate and fear during the last couple of days.

"I HATE YOU!" I shouted more directed at the excersice than at P'Pha but i guess it threw him off.

"D-do you really...?" He asked with sadness and insecurity, P'Pha's biggest fear is me leaving, rejecting or hating him as he told me after he had a nightmare two nights ago. Adorable honestly since we both know that isn't happening but he has been getting very worried and sad whenever is jokingly say that i hate him or if i am angry with him, maybe because again he took away my rights to drink Pink milk and put me on a diet that doesn't even let me drink anything aside from water! To be fair i have lived 3 years venturing Thailand and i only ever drank water and herbal drinks that sometimes actually tasted really good but after being reunited with Pink Milk again i forget about that completely. Anyhow, i think i have to really watch what i say around him not to hurt him. I know how it feels when your insecurities are taking over. But i could've never guessed that this guy would be a military officer one moment and then a kicked puppy the next moment. Nue gave him too many dog genes honestly.

"No, no i don't." I sighed and stopped doing push ups to go over to him and kiss him on the cheek for a bit more reassurance. When i wanted to go back to my spot he stopped me and kissed me again on the lips with a big smile, the fluttering in my stomach spread to every inch of my body making me feel all nice and warm as soon as his lips touched mine.

"How about we call it a day?"

"Really?!" I shouted excitedly earning me a throaty laugh from my Signer.

"Yes really. Maybe i have been pushing you a bit too hard, Ming and Kit are still training with you as well as schoolwork and i seem to sometimes forget how much you actually do. Sorry baby."

"Is okay. I'm glad i have so many people helping me."

"Hey, actually it is still early. Want to go to the mall? Maybe we could get you some new clothes and school supplies, catch a movie. You's okay if you don't want to, i just-"



"Let's go to the mall." I agreed to stop his muttering, his lips curved up in the biggest smile and he nodded, grabbing my hand and our stuff to go back to our room where we took a quick shower and we didn't shower together. I'm still not ready for...'that'.

I get out of the shower to see P'Pha on the phone as he looked out the window, he turned around and spotted me, his eyes literally lit up the moment he caught mine and i could've sworn that my whole body turned beetred. We've almost been together for a month now and i have never felt better in my life, it is still strange that he immediately started flirting with me the moment he saw me that first day despite being really shy, then told me some personal stuff despite not knowing who i really was for the first week, then we found out we're signers, i somehow am able to use magic and we know practically everything about each other, well...yeah practically, P'Pha hasn't told me anything about his childhood yet and i am totally fine with that. If he doesn't want to bring it up, why should i? I know he fully trusts me so when he is ready he will mention it to me. All i know is that he hated his childhood, his birthparents and what they had done to him. I could ask P'Gump or P'Sunz about it but i don't want P'Pha to find out and get mad at me. But all of this happened in the span of a month. That's crazy! Sometimes i think back and wonder if we went too fast with things but you can't really control fate, when you find your Signer you can't control the flow of love between the two.

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