Chapter 5. Wolfboy

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Wayo's POV

"That was so embarrassing." I shake my head in my hands thinking my life is over.

"Nong Yo, i'm really, REALLY sorry about that. I thought people would be excited about someone joining the school because they are so knowledgeable instead of their magic just being a brute force."

"'s okay P'Ging. You couldn't expect this either." The meeting continued awkwardly after Ging announced me being a Non-Magi. I would still get stares and glances from the other classes and even my own classmates, people would talk about me amongst themselves but I could always hear the mention of my name. Ming, Nate and the angels got over it pretty quickly, brushing it off like it was no big deal and trying to make me feel normal and comfortable again. It worked slightly. At least now I know that my friends wouldn't betray me because I was a weakling who couldn't use magic. Because In a world where everything revolves around magic, that is also what decides your worth. Your Magic.

However now me and my friends have split up. Everyone got assigned a classroom in the school where we could find our Senior mentor. It was a nice way to roam the school and find out where everything is. Eventually I found the classroom and funny enough I bumped into Ming again, his room is the one next to mine so we would be able to quickly meet again after we are done with our Senior Mentor meeting.

I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. 'Here goes nothing.' I pushed the door open and slowly opened my clenched shut eyes.

"You!?" It was that handsome senior from yesterday. He looked up from his papers and his dull expression lit up, his lips curled up in a wide grin and his eyes that looked distant and distracted were now shining with a newfound brightness.

"Shorty! You're my Senior-Junior Mentee? Please tell me you are in the right classroom."

"Mhm. I am." He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders to lead me to the chair right in front of where he just sat.

"So tell me something about yourself. We didn't really have the most formal meeting yesterday." He said with a shy smile and put his elbows on the table to rest his chin on his hands, giving me all his undivided attention. I have to point out that he actually looked pretty adorable with that small smile of his.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I asked him already knowing the answer. He shook his head no with his eyes shut like a sleeping cat and opened them again, showing me a row of perfect white teeth with that killer smile of his that made my heart race.

"Well my name is Yo Suradej..."

"Such a cute name." He murmured, probably not for me to hear but it made me blush anyways. I tried to shake it off and continue.

"I'm 18. I'm originally from Chiang Mai but I've been living in Bangkok for a few years now with my friends Pong and Copper. I Like Sushi, Pink Milk and I have a few notebooks were I write everything magic related that I've learned over the years. And yeah that's all I can say."

"What kind of magic do you use?"

"Uhm...I don't use magic?" I explained but It sounded more like a question.

"Oh! Is it like it's dangerous or you can only use it in combat?"

"No, it's more like...I can't use all. My body is unable to contain mana so I am unable to use magic.."

"Owh...uhm...Sorry I asked. I didn't know. I didn't want to be rude. Apologies." He put his hands flat on the table and sat back with his head hanging in shame. Suddenly I felt the need to comfort him, for some reason it was like I could feel his sadness and embarrassment. Maybe I judged him wrongly. He seemed to like teasing me yesterday but when he thought he might've hurt my feelings he genuinely seemed to feel guilty.

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