Chapter 17. Someone else's

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Beam's POV



"Damnit." That stupid freshman locked up in here. I don't understand him, one moment he gets all defensive and tells me i'm his 'love rival' or something when i told him i like Kit and now he leaves me and Kit in a room to talk about our feelings. Is that asshole making fun of me? Is he thinking something like 'You won't get him anyways so i'll let you try.' 

"Sooo...." Kit dragged out, i sighed and turned to look at him.

"Now you know. Don't mention it Kit, i know you don't feel the same way for me."

"But Why?"

"Why what?" I asked boredly, this is the question i firstly anticipated when i thought about confessing.

"Why me? When did this start? Why did you hide it from me? Why sleep with other people when you say you have feelings for me?"

"I thought you were straight Ai'Kit. You've never looked at any guy! I was sure you were going to reject me and i didn't want to ruin our friendship." I sighed and plopped down on the table with a sigh.

"How would you know..." Kit mumbled in an almost silent whisper, just loud enough for me to catch it.


"We have been friends for ages, don't you think i've tought about us being more than just that?"

"K-kit do you mean that?"

"I've thought about it a lot Beam, however we are both too stubborn so neither of us said anything, but in some way...i'm glad." He said with a tiny smile, his dimples not even appearing.

"We would've never worked out, would we?" I heaved another sigh and stared at my best friend.

"Probably not, the feelings i felt for you were there, just they weren't strong enough to last during these last couple of years." 

"Then we really aren't meant to be...If we didn't get our Signs when we both had feelings for each other it just proves it yet again." I chuckled humorlessly.

"I'm sorry Beam..."

"Yeah, me too...." I smiled at my best friend and he returned it, soon our smiles turned into laughter and the problems, stress and the feelings i had for my friend were all blown away. Am i sad? Yeah, i'm bummed. However i would rather just have this conversation than to be dumped by him and be left heartbroken if we actually did date. Maybe it's because since the day Kit saw that N'Ming, i already knew i wasn't the one for him. And he would probably never pick a weak magi that sleeps with every living girl over that tall and powerful and rich freshman. I did my research on him, his dad is a war hero and a late council member and he himself is probably also one of the strongest summoners amongst the freshmen, maybe even in the whole school. 

"So are we done here?"

"I think so. But Beam please don't shut me out. We've been friends for years and i don't want to lose you, as sappy as it sounds. I really care about you..." I sighed again and walked over to Kit to pull him into a hug.

"We'll always be friends, i was just being pissy because i had trouble accepting the truth and the present. You're like the brother i never had. Don't forget that."

"But you have a brother? Sibtis?"

"That guy? Tsk. He left us behind years ago. He isn't my brother. I still see him every once in a while but avoids me like the plague or did you forget about that?"

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