Chapter 14. Paying a visit

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Phana's POV

"What? Baby you didn't feel any connection to any of the elements?"

"No I don't..."

"Hmm, strange? It's a first time seeing someone have no affinity to an element. Then again it's also the first time I see a Non-Magi turn into one as well."

"Honey, maybe that's the problem!" My Pa repeatedly tapped Dad on his arm with realization.

"What is?"

"Maybe because he has been a Non-Magi for so long he is infusing mana but he still needs to grow into his own affinity of magic."

"I don't get it."

"Let me put it like this. Basically N'Yo is like a newborn. His body was unable to accommodate any type of magic but now that it can it suddenly needs to think of what is the best type for him."

"Oh, that could make sense."

"It doesn't make sense to me still."

"Son, you're an idiot that's why."

"Must've gotten it from you..."

"Watch that mouth of I'll send you off to Greenland."

"You wouldn't!" I dared him, he gave me a smug smirk and snapped his fingers. I didn't even blink and I find myself surrounded by ice, snow and mountains. 'He fucking did it! That asshole!'

'P'Pha where are you?'



'Yeah...Greenland. Yo tell my dad to send me back before I whoop his ass.'

'Oh, okay...'

'He told me he would rather let you stay there for a few more minutes and maybe you can finally cool that hothead of yours.'

'That bastard!'

'You okay P'Pha?'

'I'll be fine Yo. I can just summon Nue if I wanted heat. Don't tell this to my dad though.'

I waited there for 5 more minutes with my arms crossed before I found myself in my own room again with that stupid smirk on my dad's face still there while Pa was glaring right at his husband. I coughed and then threw a snowball I made and hid under my arms in my dad's face.

"Fuck you old man..."

"I'm not even that old!"

"You're almost twice my age, get out..."

"You two need to cut it out before I will imprison you in time okay?"

"Sorry Pa..."

"Sorry Gump..."

"Idiots...Now anyways Yo. You were still able to communicate with Phana whilst he was miles and miles away. That's impressive."

"Is it? I-I don't know."

"It is. But here is the thing. Me and my stupid husband will wait a week, maybe 2 to see if your body has also taken in an element. Pha, Ming. If any of you see signs of Yo using any form of magic, contact us okay?"



I suddenly heard a loud squeal and my boyfriend covered by Nue.

"Nue! What are you doing here? I didn't summon you!"

"No I did!" Yo managed to say underneath Nue.

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