Hiding something (30)

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I woke up but I was on my own and it made me frown, the lack of warmth around me. I can hear the soft hum of the coffee machine in the background and the whirr of the shower. I sit up and hit my head on the ceiling, good start to the day. I swear under my breath and open my curtain slightly to see if anyone is around before I climb out. As I scan the room I can only see Ray sitting on the small couch on his phone but I can hear someone else. Not here but further away. 

I brush it off and attempt to climb out of bed. Ray looks over and smiles before strolling toward me and giving me his arm to lean on. I grin from ear to ear, these guys are like brothers to me now and however hard it gets it is so nice to know that some people have my back. Oh and I can confirm his hair is always amazing and floofy.

"How are you doing?" he smiles at me. I'm glad he didn't say something more concerning or pressuring because right now I'm not in the mood. He is always positive and smiling and kind, god I wish we were actually related. 

"I'm actually okay, and I know I have a shit ton of explaining to do but I'm kinda in a good mood right now and I don't want to spoil it" I reply with a giggle and a little side smirk that makes him laugh. He pulls me into a friendly hug and says that if I ever need to talk to someone like not pressuring or not threatening to tell others I can always go to him. With that he goes back to his own bunk and leaves me alone.

I pour myself a cup of coffee and open the bus door to get some fresh air and I can see someone around the front of the bus. I can't help but feel curious and I take a few steps out, trying to be quiet so that nobody hears me. I peek my head around the corner and immediatley whip it back. It's Gerard and a stern looking guy with a load of files. I am tempted to run back inside the bus and hide so that they know I didn't see them but.. I mean what are they doing that is so secretive in the first place. I hover around for a little while and overhear some words but they are trying to talk hushed so I only catch a few things.

"Her safety...not good...not you....special facility..." this guy keeps repeating . I swallow but my throat feels dry, I'm not anxious though just... idk on edge. I try to peep my head over again but Mikey jumpscares me from behind. I scream and look at him in a mixture of shock and and anger but mostly laughs. I push his shoulder and pout at him trying to conjure up some guilt and draw away from the fact that I was spying on Gee.

"Sorry.. sass queen" he says bursting into fits of laughter. I stand there confused for a while, sass queen what the hell does that mean but I soon realise. I glance down at my old pyjamas I got from the box of my home belongings, it just so happenes that my pjs say sass queen all over and they are also .. hot pink. Ew

I can feel my cheeks heating up from embarrasement but I had nothing else to wear so what was I gonna do , sleep naked? I push Mikey a little and walk past him back into the bus but to my dismay Frank was in there sipping on an expresso. Frank is never up this early, what the hell.

He takes one look at me and then has the same reaction as Mikey. He completely looses it and starts maniacally laughing to the point where he is hitting the table and rolling around on the floor. Mikey comes in after composing himself but when he sees Frank he looses it again. They look like toddlers sitting bent over on the ground cry laughing. I giggle and head into the bathroom to get changed into something they won't tease me for. 

Today has gotten off to a weird start

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