Not me (57)

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I'm not unconscious and although I'm in a lot of pain I know what is going on around me. I am laying on the floor so I sit up and prop my back against the wall. I can hear someone screaming but I can't figure out who. The whole room is very chaotic as you can probably imagine and I can't make out any words people are saying over the ringing in my ears.

I try to keep my eyes open so I can see what is happening but I can't make out anybody in particular because my vision is fuzzy. I bring one of my hands up to my neck and feel the blood warm and heavy. I try not to panic and even though it hurts like hell I push down on it so I don't loose all my blood. I can see the red liquid dripping down my hand but I focus on my breathing and try to ignore the searing pain

The woman who was behind the counter is making her way around the edge of the room to the front door and madly talking to someone on the phone. She makes it out without anyone noticing. All around me I just see people fighting but I can only spot 8 people when there should be 9. My head is throbbing and I feel super weak but I need to stay here. I'm not leaving yet.

A few moments later  4 more figures enter the room shouting for everyone to stop.I'm assuming they are police because they have guns and sheild things but the gang of men don't bat an eyelid. I tilt my head slightly and see that someone short is punching and kicking two other older guys. Maybe it's Frank? 

The police barge in and separate them by force holding them seperate while even more people enter the oom. Suddenly this restaurant is filled with officers who definatley look like they will not take any bullshit. the noise dies down but in the process of eveyrone being restrained by a guard one of the gand kicks me right in the neck causing me to groan and even more blood to come out. I feel so faint right now but I refuse to close my eyes. I won't do it.

Everyone is taken outside to be questioned leaving me and two other people in the room. Literally as soon as they go out a whole group of different people barge in except this time I think they are doctors. I can't recognise any of the other two people in the room  who are injured like me and it makes me nervous. I can hear someone across the room groaning while people lift him up on a stretcher and wheel him out of the room. It all goes by to fast and I am the last one to be seen.

A kind looking man lifts my back up and removes my bloody hand from my neck to take a closer look. A few more people are around me examining any potential wounds. The man doctor tries to feel how deep the cut is but it hurts so much I scream and then my ears start ringing even more and I can't brear it. 

"Fuck, help please. It hurts so much I don't know what to do" I try to explain trying not to panic but a lady who was checking over my legs comes to my side and holds my hand trying to comfort me. I just feel uncomfortable because it doesn't feel right. I feel like a 6 year old girl who wants her parents. I want Gerard to hold my hand and say I'll be fine because I don't really believe anyone else but I know he's not allowed. 

On 3 they lift me up onto a stretcher and wheel me outside. I try to take a glimpse of what is happening but I am wheeled straight onto an ambulance and the door is shut behind me. One of the doctors stays with me, the friendly looking man but I'm beginning to panic and I can feel the anxiety going through me. I feel sick and I really wish one of the guys could be with me right now. 

I look up at the man and ask if someone could come with me because I hate being alone and he uses a walkie talkie thing to contact one of the policemen outside to ask. I can feel tears running down my face from the pain I'm in but the man tells me to stop because it could infect the wound. Like don't you think I'm trying. 

A few minutes later I can hear the engine kick in and I guess I'll be going on my own after all. Just as I'm about to close my eyes and stop the door opens and Ray steps in looking so worried it's amazing he doesn't implode. He rushes over to me and swears at the blood coming from my neck but the doctor man just asks him to step aside and let him work. He sits by my feet and talks to me the whole journey so I don't get stressed while the doctor man is treating my wound.

The doctor says it is quite deep and will need stitches and possibly surgery but It has not damaged any vital parts of my body and he thinks I am going to be fine. He explains how the knife had a wide blade but it seems someone was able to knock it out of whoever's hand was cutting me because the cut goes from very deep to almost nothing at an "unbelieveale angle".

I just focus on Ray talking and breathe. Well until we arrive at the hospital

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