Birthday Moring

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I woke up to my phone buzzing annoyingly on my bedside table. I looked at my screen and saw it was a text from my mom saying; 

Happy birthday my pet. I love you so much and were so proud of everything you do. Have another amazing year. Xx mammy and da

A little tear fell down my face. I missed my parents so much and I wished I could go see them more. I knew that they were proud of me no matter what I did but seeing it made me so happy. Everything I do I do to make them happy and to thank them for everything.

It was my dad that got me into music and bought me a guitar and lessons. He's the one that pushed me to go to an performance school. I hated it at the start but so did everyone. We all had to get to learn one another and get to know our talents.

I'm glad he pushed me though I learned so many instruments and dancing and signing. Oh I loved it. Both of my parents were so supportive of me doing acting and moving to LA, they knew it was what I wanted.

Not long after I finished reminiscing and crying some more. I started getting dressed when my phone went off again. This time it was Olivia ringing me. I answered the FaceTime and all I could hear was her screaming.

"AHHHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I chuckled and said thank you. I kept getting dressed, I didn't mind neither did Olivia we were both used to it. "Are you driving!?" I asked stepping into my jeans. "Oh yeah, don't worry it's fine!" She said this so matter of fact it made my head turn down and give her a look. I saw my face on my screen "God I look like my mam!" "What are you saying" Olivia said very confused. "What, oh, go on."

"Right so I wanted to call and ask" she seemed so determined I laughed inside, " Are you sure about your party, cause if you want I can come over with Court and we can go to a club" Olivia was looking at me now as she pulled into a parking space and I picked up the phone and went into the sitting room. "Liv that's very sweet, but I want to do something for all of you to thank you for helping me so much!" Olivia smiled and said "Are you 100% sure" I smiled and said I was " Besides if you don't like my cooking that much you could have just said!" Olivia laughed one more time. "Okay I gotta go into work, love you!" She blew me a kisses and I said "love ya!" back. Tonight was gonna be a great birthday, I could tell!

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