Lets Go Broncos!

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A few weeks passed and since Damien found out about Shayne and me. It felt nice not having to sneak around the house or lie about what me and Shayne were doing. Finally some normality.

Besides Olivia and Damien nobody else knew about our relationship. We wanted it to be like that, at least for a little while. We just wanted to make sure our feelings for each other before making everything so public.

It was a late Tuesday afternoon and the boys were sitting down watching some football game. I had no interest and I honestly still didn't understand the rules, even though I had been in America for almost five years. "Who's playing?" I tried to involve myself while walking over to the couch carrying a bowel of peanuts.

"Broncos and dolphins," Damien answered me without even moving his eyes from the screen. "Broncos are up!" I smiled and nodded pretending I knew what he meant. I sat next to Shayne and threw my legs over his lap. "You like them don't you Shayne?" I placed a few peanuts in my mouth.

"I think he's there number one fan!" Damien laughed while Shayne sat back and took a small handful of my snack. He was shaking his head while Damien kept laughing. I looked at both of them with a very confused face until Shayne filled me in. "I've got there merch, that's all!"

I didn't think that was all since his face was going red. I leaned to the side slightly to see Damien mouth the words "boxers!" I gasped in amusement. "No!" Shayne's face was going even redder by the moment.

Feeling slightly cheeky and mischievous I pretended to reach into the bowl but grabbed the waistband if Shayne's tracksuit pants at the last moment. He jumped slightly and I peeked in fighting his hands. "You do!" All three of us were laughing now and Shayne grabbed me and pulled me into him.

"I better go to bed. I'll have to get up early tomorrow morning if I want to be home for nine!" Damien got up and gave a little wave. "Wait where are you going?" I sat up on Shayne's lap and faced Damien. "Home for thanksgiving?" I completely forgot it. "Oh yeah! Safe journey!" Damien smiled and went into his room.

Shayne was back watching the match and I sat quietly in his lap. My mind started racing and I was lost in thought. "What's wring? You're quiet." I snapped out of it and looked seeing Shayne staring at me worriedly. "Oh nothing!" I lied. "Are you going home too?" He nodded and switched the volume on the TV off. "Yeah tomorrow, why?"

I looked down and started playing with my nails. "No reason, just wanted to know." I felt sad but had no idea why. Maybe I started feeling a bit homesick. I felt Shayne's hand lift up my head gently. I looked at him through blurry tearful eyes. "What are you going to do?" I seemed really concerned for me.

"It's fine! I've never celebrated thanksgiving in all my time here, this year won't be different." I tried my hardest not to sound upset, after all I shouldn't have been. It would only be fire a couple of days. I think I could survive.

The room was silent for a while until Shayne pulled me in even closer and said "it doesn't have to you know," I looked at him confused but his eyes were big and filled with some sort of determination. "I mean you could come with me!" His mouth widened into a smile. "Shayne I don't want to impose!" I held my hand up but Shayne just shook his head. "You wouldn't and it would be the perfect time to tell both our parents!"

My mouth opened in shock. Should we tell our parents? It felt too soon but I knew how strongly I felt about Shayne and I knew I was certain about him. "Okay," I nodded and stuck up my index finger! "But only if we call my mom right now!" Shayne was nodded madly and smiling which made me laugh.

I picked up the phone and FaceTime my mom. Even though it was late in L.A the time difference made it morning in Scotland. My heart started beating faster with every dial tone, not with nerves but with excitement. Shayne however had lost his smile and had gone slightly pale. I grabbed his hand and gave it a slight squeeze to reassure him.

"It's okay!" I smiled and got a slight one back. Just then my mom answered. I moved the camera slightly so she couldn't see Shayne yet. "Hello love!" "Hi mam, is da there?" She didn't answer me but went on about a neighbour instead. Shayne began sniggering next to me but covered his mouth to muffle the noise. "Oh is someone else there?" Lord give me patience with that woman. I sighed and asked once more. "Mam! Is da there? Can you get him?"

"Richard! You're daughter is on the phone!" She shouted out to the background. "Here let me say hello to Shayne!" Hello lovey!" I shook my head and tilted the camera and Shayne waved. My dad came into the room and tried telling me the same story about the neighbour that my mom had already told me.

"I've news!" I blurted out trying to shut them both up. I was getting impatient and excitement was spilling out of me. "Oh go on so dear!" My dad said looking slightly worried but overall curious. "So I have a boyfriend," there faces didn't change. "An American lad!" Still nothing. "Shayne actually!" I moved the camera to a nervous Shayne who sat waiting for a response still holding onto my hand.

"I knew it! You owe me a fiver!" My dad said waving his index finger at my mom laughing. Shayne and I sat startled, looking at my screen. "You don't mind?" Shayne asked making sure he want hallucinating. "No of course not love! We've know for a long time!" Shayne looked at me but I looked back just as confused. "I didn't tell them!"

After a short confusing conversation with my parents I hung up the phone. Shayne and my dad got in great at least. "We're we really that obvious?" I asked Shayne who was laughing at the strange encounter he just had. We must have! Well we'll find out tomorrow for certain!" My stomach felt like it crushed up at the thought of the word. I froze for a second thinking about what to say, what to wear, what way should I do my makeup, what to pack.

"Bobbie?" Shayne was standing now looking at me. "What is it?" "What if your family doesn't like me?" I heard my voice cracking slightly but Shayne sighed and sat back down next to me. "Of course they will like you," he rubbed my arms. "And does it matter if they don't? I love you!" I felt much better after that and kissed Shayne. He could always make me feel better.

"Now we need to go to bed and you need to pack in the morning!" I smiled at Shayne and nodded. I thought my mind would be racing all night but having Shayne next to me made me feel so much better. I was deep in sleep all night until my alarm went off early in the morning.


Hey guys!
Wow there were quite a few unintended innuendos at the start! Oh well!

Sorry for the delay in chapters or if there a little short I'm writing two new books at the moment as well and I'm trying to juggle it all.

Thank you all for reading this story I hope everything is still enjoying it!

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